I guess it's time to post again, eh? Sorry Livejournal! I've just been distracted lately. Damn Facebook....
So, lets see...sadly, not too much has changed. LOL I got to reconnect with a cousin that lives only a few miles away from me (hurray!) and that has been great. It's nice to have a girl to hang out with close by. Estrogen is a good thing. I'm still looking for a job. I have never been turned down for so many jobs! I tell you! I think I'm going to be forced into renewing my Hair license (which I should do anyway) and getting something part time. I think it would be a good thing. I hope I can find a good salon around to work at. Why, oh why, didn't I become a dentist??
Dentist, you say? Yes. Because that business is a total RACKET! (sorry Braden! I still think you're worth every penny!) But really! They charge CRAZY amounts of money. Crazy. I've been going through steps at the dental school to get a root canal and now a crown and I'll just say, Thank YOU for the dental students. *whew* Otherwise, I'd be gummin' it with the other 30 million Americans who are denied health care. *rant*
No, I won't rant on that today. I've been pretty down lately, what with all the ways our world is just fucked up. I go through those stages where I rant and rage about it for a month or two and finally I just have to throw my hands in the air and say, "I can only do so much! I can't fix everything the rest of you fuck ups keep FUCKING UP!!" and go on with life. So.
Last week I made a
White Crazy Cake and I had all this frosting left over from it and we're getting ready to leave for Colorado for ten days, so I was trying all week to think of ways to use it up. I also happen to have a lot of oatmeal, which I know I should be eating for breakfast with fruit and nuts....but what the hell.
In North Carolina, pretty much everywhere, you could buy either moon pies, or oatmeal cream pies, both of which were just a cookie with disgusting frosting type nastiness in the middle. Nick loved them, though. But I thought, I could makes some at home, we could take them on the airplane, even and they might even be good! So I did!
The first thing I needed was an oatmeal cookie recipe that made flat oatmeal cookies. This is not an easy task. I finally found it
Just combine the ingredients in the order given, roll the dough thin, cut it out in 2-inch rounds, and bake the cookies in a hot oven (375 °F is good) for about 7-8 minutes.
2 1/2 cups oatmeal
1 cup brown sugar
2 1/2 cups white flour
1 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
1 cup shortening
1/2 cup milk
1 tsp vanilla
No eggs! I used my kitchen aid mixer to do all the work, even. You roll out the dough, so it's as flat as you want, and there's not even very much sugar in there, so you won't feel too bad and slathering the insides of the two cookies with butter cream frosting.
Oh, and I used butter instead of shortening (because I don't believe in baking with shortening, unless it's pie crust - if you used the shortening and subbed soy milk, they could easily be vegan) and it worked just fine, but I'm not sure you could call it "healthy" (as the author states) with two sticks of butter in 30 cookies. What do we care?!! Home made oatmeal cream pies!!
(for my butter cream, I followed the recipe on the C&H powdered sugar bag and used Grand Marnier instead of vanilla)