Sep 01, 2005 15:18
so, here i am, at college, sitting in my new dorm/home with my darling eve (coolest roomate ever). college though i've only had 4 days experience is so far AWESOME. you're treated like an adult, and you have so much freedom. i started classes today(all 4) they're better then i thought they would eveer be. my professors are great, energetic and just all around cool. though there will be hours and hours of work i am so excited and ready for it.
i've met so many amazing people, very different then back home. i love it here. this was the perfect decision for me.
i should go start some HOMEWORK and then some of ur our taking a little adventure into waltham for dorm supplies. mmmmmm
and boston this weekend
and boat cruise and campus fun
pretty great
well everyone, hope life's going well.