Searching for AFI fan sites...... results? Phenomenal.
- The state of modern music is horrible!
- I've been wearing makeup since I was a kid, I remember asking my mother if I could try on hers."
- Our responsibility is just to keep doing what we love and playing music that we believe in and that's honest.
- What mainstream is today, we would NEVER do that!
- Q:How has AFI changed since you were signed and put out your first album? DH: We shave now
- A girl in Salt Lake once asked me 'Why are you wearing makep, are you a fag?'. I then said 'Well, if I'm a fag for wearing makeup, you must be a dyke in blue jeans'. I also informed her that she was just angry because I was prettier than she was
- As you get older you will gain a bit more control over everything. Don't let anyone, even your parents, break you. Find good people who care about you and surround yourself with just them. If you can't find them at first, find good music and fall into it, let it hold you until they come.
- Hi, I'm Davey! I sing, make faces, and swing from trees!
- There's a donut in Ukiah and it's called the 'Chocolate Fuck You' or the 'Fuck You I'm Chocolate' ...something like that!
- I'm half mascualine and half feminine.
- Our fans are incredible. They're the best, the most loyal, and the only thing that seems to connect them is their dedication to us. They're tattooed with our images, they're driving 12 hours to see us play because thats the closest we're gonna get, or they're flying out to see us at a record release party because they really wanna be a part of it.
- Ok, Do what you feel is right for you, no matter what. Believe in yourself, no matter how many people tell you that you¹re fucked up, do what you have to do. AS LONG as it doesn¹t infringe on other peoples happiness.
- They wouldn't sell me a fuckin' pretzel," Davey fumes, pointing at a nearby vendor. That's what a VMA does for you. It doesn't mean shit.
- I was walking down the street in Berkeley the other day with my friend Geoff [Kresge, ex-AFI bassist] from Tiger Army and we walked by these guys who were like, 'Oh, look at these fucking faggots,' " he says. "So I just turned around and blew kisses at them and licked my lips. I'm very accustomed to it. Growing up, to present yourself the way we did, it was very common to be abused.
- How many times will Davey put a disc into his CD player before realizing it's a DVD?
- Fan: Davey, you look sexy Davey: Davey always looks sexy.
- One time I was singing along with a boy that looked like me in the crowd and he pushed away the mic and started making out with me and accidently bit my lip and I had to get stitches.
- My ideal girl should be smart, drug free, and hot. People say it's not important but it is.....she can't hate me either.
- You don’t play any instrument,right? Davey: "Yeah,that’s right. Jade: "He tries to pick up my guitar sometimes (laughter), but I have to snatch it out of his hands before he causes any damage. (laughter) He plays a couple of atonal parts that quickly get left in the fuckin’ garbage can."
- I find drug use disrespectful, self destructive and weak. I want no part of it. I believe in complete respect for myself and others.
- Crowd surfing is a product of car commercials.
- Fan: DAVEY I WANNA HAVE YOUR KIDS! Wellll I'll be sure to call ya.
- Fan: DAVEY IS THE NEW JESUS! Umm i think its the hair , is it the hair?
- On being asked if he freaked out in the theater when he saw The Ring: Yes I did. I was by myself and there was this guy with his girlfriend and a couple of other girls next to me - and they were right next to me, so I was pretty much in his lap the whole time. Luckily for me, he was nice!
- Anyone who steals a shoe is a poseur.
- It wasn't supposed to be pink vinyl, it was supposed to be peppermint vinyl, so it's supposed to look like one of those peppermint candies with the red and white swirlies. They fucked it up so it's pink. What's the name of that pressing plant? Well, whatever it is...don't use it!!!! You'll be on Frilly Pink and you'll be forced to buy flowers from Adama's Flower Shop.
- Yeah, Ricky Martin's got nothing on my pants!
- We're not catering our fanbase. We're not making sure that everybody is happy. We're just doing our own thing and I think people respond to that best!
- Me, I was never too good at dating. So I was thinking maybe a couple of tall-boy beers, sitting on a hillside somewhere.
- I'm a drummer not a model.
- Q: Adam are you a pirate? Adam: Yes
- I'm the other white meat!
- Um, AFI was conceived when we were in high school, we were sophomores. I think Dave and our original guitarist Mark were sitting around at lunch and came up with the idea of starting a band, which is kinda funny because no one knew how to play any instruments, no one really owned any instruments, but they decided it was going to be Dave singing, Mark playing guitar, Vic Chalker on bass, and they knew I had a drum set so I was asked to play drums. And we just started practicing. It was a long time before we played our first show, it was several years before we wrote a decent song.
- Overhaul me words, matey, for what I say be true. Blessed ye be with a strong character and a forgivin' nature. These shipshape qualities have steered ye safely through squalls to the captivatin' shores of the Magic Kingdom. I see favorable winds and a pleasant passage if ye charts yer course through the sea 'o life by this golden rule: Avoid common gossip and shun' the bilge rats what live by it.
Mark well me words, matey: He who chatters to ye, will chatter about ye!
- Q: What are the most embarrassing things to happen on stage? Napalm sweat dripped into my eye once and blinded me for half the set. I also poked myself in the eye with my drumstick.
- Q: Will you sign my sports bra? I'd prefer not.
- My birthday is coming up. I'm a size 2! *wink wink*
- I have so many black T-shirts, Fruit of the Loom gave me my own private jet.
- I have two cell phones and I don’t feel weird about this. No disrespect to children in third world countries that only have one cell phone.
- (Question about the religion of the band) Q: Oh well I was just wondering because all your songs are like 666 and stuff... H: Yeah its my phone number, I didn't want to tell anyone.
- I'd rather hump a human leg than a dog any day...
- What are your thoughts on eskimos?
- I love eskimos. They have 23 words for "sno-cone"
- Random Person: Happy Birthday Hunter! I hope you had a fantastic, wonderful, smashing, grade-A birthday! Thank you. Even though my birthday was a few weeks ago, I'm still celebrating it.
- Why? Why on this hottest of hot and humidest of humid days would I want a cup of hot coffee?! No idea. Sorry, I just lost my mind.
- I've got a poster of Adam on my bedroom wall
- I'll eat the hell out of a bagel, that's my job!"
- I was sitting here without a shirt on, absentmindedly scratching my back with a pen for about five minutes and I just looked in the mirror and saw that I had drawn a nice mural on my back. It looks kind of like a map of Wyoming, with all the rivers and mountain ranges, or maybe a portrait of Bob Marley. Yes. Tablature.
- Can't the lemons and pancakes just get along?
- Jeebus! Those are great things to recieve! I'd be freakin' stoked to get a lovely juice box!! Try getting a walnut. I got a damn walnut one time and it sucked. Totally. And I said, Hey, this damn walnut totally sucks
- It's weird, we existed on the underground for so long and now the wider world is discovering us.
- Stevie Wonder picks out my clothes for me.
- I haven't seen Tori Amos but I did see Tori Spelling from Beverly Hills 90210 one time. She was frightening.
- Yes, I'm a vegetarian, but not because I love animals, I'm a vegetarian because I hate plants.
- As crappy as Korn and Limp Bizkit are, they are bringing rock back.
- Jade Puget : Davey is quite a 'demon in the sack' so to speak.
- Davey doesn't watch the damn road when he's driving. I'm sure if we crashed he would be fine and I would be imbedded in a tree. If he ever kills me with his driving though, I'm gonna come back as a squirrel and run up his pant leg.
- I love your duck with all it's ducky goodness.
- Hmm, maybe instead of jumping off the drum riser you could just step carefully down of of it but make a crazy 'I'm-going-off-really-hard' face while you're doing it so people think you're doing some insane stage move.
- I hope your mom is ok with me sleeping at your house.
- Hmm, corn nuts, I can't say I'm a big fan. I'm more of an apple pie kind of guy because it reminds me of sex and death.
- Q: I was wondering if you and Davey ever fought over a mirror backstage or something, and if so who won? And who has used the most makeup on one single night? Jade: Actually, yes, that happens all the time. Finally, I was like, "That's it! It's time to settle this make-up contest once and for all, I challenge you to a make-out!" Wrong choice of words.
- Spiffy is a free-loading deadbeat kitty who sits around on my couch, watches TV all day, and eats all the Triscuits.
- God, remember Tab cola? It was so nasty, possibly the worst soft drink ever, even worse than Crystal Pepsi. I'll always think of Tab as the beverage of choice for child molesters because I knew this creepy old man who drank it and he must have been a child molester because all old people are child molesters.
- If I asked you to sleep with me, would your answer be the same as the answer to this question?
- So things are going just swell, we eat bagels, we play songs, we take our shirts off and wrestle.
- I think they should play us on BET.
- You could be a hitman for the Scorpions, your job is to kill people and make me macaroni and cheese.
- Fine, if you want Davey to sneak you in, it'll probably be in some little makeup case or something, which is not nearly as comfortable. Did I mention the drum case comes with all-you-can-eat corn dogs?
- I'll just come to your house and we can listen to AFI cds in your room. It's almost as good as a concert...
- Je suis un pamplemousse, me donner tout vous croissants! [Translation: I am a grapefruit, give me all your croissants!]
- If you really want to see some ill patty cake, you have to see Davey and I do it. And then watch us play patty cake.
- Just because I had a few meaningless one night pattycake encounters doesn't mean I'm a whore.
- One day, when I was young, my Dad brought home a guitar. I was quite intrigued and went to pick it up but he said, "Son, unless you can wail on that thing like Nuno Bettencourt from Extreme or maybe Steve Vai when he was playing with David Lee Roth and he had the sweet double-necked guitar that was like two legs coming out of a heart, keep your damn hands off it!" And I never touched a guitar again. So to answer your question, yes, I answer the phone whether it rings or not.
- We eat exclusively at gas stations. That’s why we have such great physiques.
- Next time I come to Phoenix we are so going clubbing Chanelle No. 5. I'll wear my pink sleeveless see-through nipple shirt with the pegasus and rainbow on it.
- As long as I can put off that job at Del Taco, I'll be in AFI.
- Even when I go see one of my favorite bands I start to get bored/tired/over it after an hour and a half. If they said, "Guess what! We'll be playing for 2 hours tonight!!", you'd see a Jade-shaped hole in the front door."
-You know, I never stopped to think that the majority of our video does indeed take place in my crotch. I must contemplate the significance of this.
- When he calls you gay again, grab his butt. [To a fan asking for advice about someone at school calling him gay for liking AFI]