Oct 09, 2004 18:30
I just got home about. . .15 minutes ago. New York was AMAZING! All the trees were changing colors and it was a huge mix of greens, yellows, oranges, and reds. I cannot wait until it starts happening here. So on Friday we went to my uncle's house in the Poconos and it was absolutely georgeous. The deer there are friendly there so we were about 5 feet away from them, sometimes they eat out of your hand, but these ones were little and kind of skittish. They were so cute <3. On the way out we saw a spike and I got some pictures of him. Saturday we drove upstate NY to see if my dad's tree stand was still intact. Surprsingly, it was. I heard a bunch of stories of the good old days and really enjoyed being out there. We didn't see any deer, but I found a small little tree frog and my uncle and I found really interesting mushrooms. We saw Matt (family friend) and his girlfriend and that was nice. Went back to my uncle's house and just ate dinner and left!
You know, it's amazing how many people don't die.
We watched a guy on a little motorbike speed up to pass a few cars and he had to dart in between two while an on-coming car almost smashed him to bits. I can't even remember how many times, at ONE intersection, my dad and I sat in the truck and watched idiot upon idiot came inches away from collisions. We sat there and laughed. Humanity - the biggest joke.
Well finally I am home.