Sep 02, 2008 02:11
Tonight, parading around with a pool stick wedged between my legs I realized summer was over, and it was okay, and I hit a solid into a hole.
I cried this afternoon, like a girl, like a human, like a weak and silly corner in the room of my mind. The good thing about corners is that there is plenty to bounce off of.
I value the eyes I look out of. To see who is up to their Goddamn eyeballs full of shit. Thank the land I can breathe, and just not see them anymore. Looking into a mirror, pursing their lips and widening their eyes, or gobbling an image to the brim, spitting out ignorant ego and a false light-less wall.
Tonight, I started thinking about an old friend, and people I've blocked out. Their levees' have spilled over, though they don't see it, and it makes me so sad because one of them is so smart and full of the ingredients for beauty and freedom. but it just sinks down into the belly, never dissolving.
Tonight I sit here, ready for bed, eyes burning, fingers steady. I just read an email from a teacher that made me feel good and ready. It's a simple, nice feeling. Reassurance, something we all well damn need.
Tonight, I paraded around-- an empty bar, inside myself, around a pool table, and around a hole i've been digging all summer. Now I'm ready to eat the shovel.
After a summer with little sun, a summer that flat-lined like an ode to the horizon, I cherish songs. I cherish the ability to put on a Bob Dylan song and have months melt away in a chorus. To have shitty people in the back of your head begin to dance and sing. My cat sits in my lap. I can't smell reality because the air is too thick in the fog of a month's morning. And everything is okay, because you're not goin' nowhere.