Busy me.

Nov 05, 2011 22:31

Well it's all kicking off for little ol me at the mo. Lots of writing projects on the go, my first draft of my book, SIN Xmas calendar and now group leader for a web site community health forum. And of course LJ. All these acronyms remind me of uni, UEA, LCR (lower common room) and others which I cannot remember. And no, not because I spent my time in the student bars. Lol.
Well, the annual noise fest has passed without incident, up to now.Oscar Wilde, my cat spent the evening in the cupboard under the stairs while I made valiant efforts to crack on with WIP in between copious amounts of coffee and roll ups. Er, not illegal ones!!

I'm afraid I am giving my two protagonists in my book a real hard time. Poor guys: someone knows about them. Ooh, bad times. Not good in 16th century Essex, or anywhere else for that matter. Lol. But I am enjoying my self writing it and hope that, should it ever make it in print my enjoyment shows in the story.

Now chilling listening to DEAD CAN DANCE. Brilliant band and I've written masses in the last few months listening to them. Great mood music even for 16th cent'.

Signing off now as Mr Wilde wants his supper. :-)

first draft, dead can dance., writing, mood music

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