When I checked my emails this morning, I discovered to my delight that I had acquired another (possibly deluded) follower of my blog. But when I checked out her profile, dear me she looks to be about thirteen. Although, because she is Indonesian, it's hard to be sure because all the girls seem to have that fresh, very young look about them. However, warning bells began to sound and I wondered if I should tag the blog as having mature content.
I contacted the admin staff on the forum and told them of my dilemma and why I thought it should be reported as mature. Gay romance, stories and some homo erotic content. Not forgetting the image of the beautiful semi naked man on the header. Hmmmm. Before the post appeared in the forum, I'd had about 3 views, after its appearance it had shot up to 25 in less than twenty minutes. Lol.
Well, it's one way of attracting people to view ones literary efforts. But honestly, what do these folks expect to find amongst my scribblings? Tut! Hot sex on every page I suppose, both gloriously and graphically illustrated. (now there's a thought. :-) )
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