Jul 21, 2005 17:35
hey everybody whats up. well so far this week has been boring to an extent. books are dull . practice sucks. life sucks. i miss my friends coming over in the morning. my mouth really really really hurts. my wisdom teeth are coming in way too soon. and soo is ashleys it is weird. ashley is having to get hers pulled i feel very sorry for her. my single bet is almost over im sooo happy. the first football game is coming. up. yay.me and this chik made a bet. i cant eat anything except for dinner for 2 weeks . it is awsome. so far i am winning. oh yea. i get to go to some place really soon. im going with some dude on a plane for a couple of hours in the cock pit. i dont know who he is but my mom knows him. its preety kewl. well ne*way i have to go . l8ter.
oh yea i painted my dogs nails. its funny.