Apr 16, 2006 20:38
I got up today and after whiling away a good part of the morning, I decided I needed to get up and get out and do something active. This was aided by the fact that as soon as I got onto AOL's mainpage I was reminded that I needed watch out for my fat zones.
Well, I and my fat zones rode out towards Ginkaku-ji and onto the Philosopher's Walk which is completely lined in cherry blossoms and supposed to be gorgeous. The last time I went was a bit too early for them to be blooming but today certainly lived up to expectations.
After taking many pictures, which anyone who wasn't there will probably find boring, I started to head back to my bike, since it also started spitting rain intermittenly. On the way, I saw a fellow foreigner pulling out a map, so I stopped to see if I could lend any aid. We ended up talking and going to grab a cup of coffee, or in my case tea, while waiting to see what the weather was going to do.
Scott is from England, but he decided to quit his job, sell his house and car and start to travel. He's already been to Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Argentina as well as all over the British Isles, but that's his backyard, so it doesn't really count for much, or so he says. Next week he'll be in Hong Kong and China, then he goes to India and then South Africa. Wow.
I hope that I'll be able to just travel like that some day. Don't get me wrong, I love staying here and learning alot about Japan, but to just dive into travel like that, running off to all these different countries, not even knowing the language. Sink or swim.
Maybe some day.
Now, I've put off studying for far too long already, and if I don't do that it will definitely mean sinking for me. Off I go.