Aug 15, 2005 00:24
Matrix Panther: well you got 3 in the 4 house which is home, 2 in the fifth which is crativity. 4 in the sixth witch is service and health and finally your moon sign sitting all by itself in the house of marrige and partnership
jessidear84: ookay.. i think I get that. so what are th lines for?
Matrix Panther: its how the signs are in relationship to eachother. like if they are near opposite for example, there on opposition and work against eachother but if there right next to eachother by only a few degrees there in conjunction and work together instead. you have a capricorn moon so on the bright side you are more determined, responsible, disiplined, patient, and commited, on the dark side you are more rigid pessimistic, opiniated, materialistic, and overtaxing. your assendant is cancer (the sign that was on the horizon at the time of your birth). and beceause cancer is ruled by the moon. the moon will have more influence over you than other planets in your chart. your moon is also in you relationship house so im thinking it will REALLY shine. mercury is the planet of rationality and libra is the sign of balance. you love to make comparisons by listing all the pros and cons what you want to make is the perfect choice.
ahhh I miss astrology. Back in my Wiccan days I was pretty knowledgable about the stars and signs and all that. Kinda miss that now, its fun!