OA: Facing Our Defects for What They Are.

Mar 10, 2011 00:58

"The real fault is to have faults and not to amend them." -Confucius

Anger, resentment, jealousy, envy, as Bill W. states in the Big Book, "are dubious luxuries of normal men." For me, a compulsive overeater, they are poison. With defects unattended, the insanity of compulsive overeating returns and that is death, spiritually and emotionally if not physically. Have I been careless with my program? Do I get into ego-driven arguments? Do I sulk in silent scorn? Am I quick to criticize with a biting tongue? These are dangerous traps. They can destroy my ability to think or act with purpose.

I know that change is possible, that I do not have to live with these crippling defects. I have steps to follow, and they lead to freedom.

For Today: I am ready to change -- to be rid of the faults that are hampering my recovery.


Why do these readings always have to sound like they are talking DIRECTLY TO ME?

I have been actively working on my 6th step. I have my list, and now its a matter of going over them and being willing to let them go. I'm... having a hard time with this, I can't lie. There's alot of crappy things that I do that are so very much apart of my personality I can't even begin to understand how the heck I would be able to give these hurtful things over like I do my food addiction. Probably should call my sponsor and see what he says. Also gonna see about going to a new, Thursday night OA discussion that goes over each and every step in the Twelve Steps and Traditions book, paragraph by paragraph. I think that would be really eye opening for me, and I hope my OA buddy will be feeling up to carpooling with me!

So It's almost 1 am, gotta wake up at 5:30 AM to make my guy his breakfast (so domestic, eh?), then get my exercise in and figure out what the hell I want to do with my time. Had a facinating conversation with this guy I'm sleeping with (don't be jealous Robert), and he suggested that perhaps I should look into volunteering at something I would be interested in, or start gearing up and going to school again. The pressure about finding work is relieved, and particularly with the looming car issues, I couldn't be more happy. We can build up our resources, I can build up my resume with something a little more recent than 2009. I can find something awesome to volunteer at, like at a woman's shelter, or maybe some sort of activism. Hell, maybe a job will even present itself, and that would be AWESOME.

I have been working out, day by day, and watching what I have been eating and when I am eating it. I'm meditating, praying, looking for things that can fill my time and make me happy. HOW COOL IS THAT???

overeaters anonymous

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