Apr 05, 2007 12:51
So yesterday I had a very interesting conversation with the ever friendly and helpful Lady Tiger. I have told her on several occasions that I do not plan on staying in Fresno, mostly because I'm suffocating here, intellectually as well as personally. I love my Valley Furs, my friends, but it just isnt enough. Naturally, she suggests the Berkely, San Fran, San Jose area. I think she has selfish motivations though. ;P
Serioulsy, looking into Art Therapy as a long term career goal, I would have to leave Fresno anyway, because of education requirements. I feel that I need to feel far more secure in my abilities to sucessfully complete classes, as well as hold down a job and save some money, before moving into a completely foreign part of the state. Not that the perks aren't tempting: Sydney, near the best beaches, Sydney, Fantastic schools, an accepting, open commmunity, Sydney, not so much reliance on Pandora as a means to travel, Sydney.... Speaking of which, has even offered to help in what ways she can, which was surprising and gratefully accepted in its hypothetical state.
There is fear involved too, of course. I have lived in the same area all my life. My "home base", if you will, has never been any father away than 20 minutes. My family is here, a blessing and curse that is still a comfort during holidays and times of celebration. There is a fear of crashing and burning in a place that hardly anyone knows me. And change is hard on me, a mental stressor that can put me down for awhile, needing to adjust to all the things mentioned above. And of course, my friends here who have been so much more to me than family these past few months.
Not that I am planning on leaving anytime soon... a year, maybe two. But it has been on my mind an AWFUL lot.
santa cruz,