Oh yay im home to boring ass cold cook vegas! Gross!!! I was hoping it would be a lil warmer when I got back from FL but it was rainy out today and like 50. Tomorrow is supposed to be a lil warmer so im crossin my fingers i have all day off! The weather in Florida was great. One day it was a little bit overcasted but other than that it was warm n sunny! I got a nice golden tan. Ill have to make another trip this summer to keep up my tan. LOL! I dont think i can afford to take off that much work all the time. Hmmm lets see I started my job at Harley Davidson friday. LOVE IT! We all went over to Chilis after work today n had a few drinks. I guess they go every afternoon on saturday when we close. Its a nice time to get to chill outta work. We might start a poker night that would be really fun. I guess we have rides like once a month when one of the guys from the service dept gets to go ride with all the HOGS (Harley Owner Group) n get paid for it all day. Zan, one of the part guys, wants to ask Brad if maybe I can go with them for publicity to meet ppl get our shop out there for more business. I was like hell yah! Ill go ridin all day on the back of a bike. It will be great. Im too short to ride by myself and even if I got one lowered Im not strong enough to hold it up. :( How sad! Well find one i can ride one day. Well im off to uhh work I guess. Not much of that to do around here.
Love ya guys!
Jessi D
Oh yah some of Marissa's friends made a website for her check them out if you would like to
http://www.freewebs.com/inmemoryofmd/index.htm http://www.livejournal.com/users/mdistefanox3/483.html?page=1&view=56035#comments R.I.P. Marissa <3 you!