Aug 29, 2012 04:48
I have to go to therapy in the morning and I am no way ready for bed. I just keep lying there rolling around unable to get comfortable. It is very discouraging. Things used to be so simple... but thats the way it goes I guess. I'm living in Palm Bay and not Vero. I still can't believe it. I was hospitalized for 6 and a half months due to me actually going insane. I met alot of interesting people in there as I always do. It was a good experience and I learned alot about myself. Sometimes I think I need to go back. Whenever I am in the hospital I usually feel so safe and secure I'm always comforted by the structure of the hospital....the strict routine and all that mess.Its comforting to know that at any given moment there's about 6 nurses and staff that can help you with whatever your going through.Now all this talk about the government cutting funds for mental health is absurd. Thats fucking with people minds....their stability....there right to know what the hell is going on in the world. We need more mental health places we don't need stupid government people fucking up shit that they don't know anything about because they have never had to stay 6 months at the state hospital. We need more money for mental health. That's all I have to say about that. Well I'm going to go now. guess I should somehow force myself to sleep. Don't think that's a reality but oh well. bye bye
Jessicka Blades