Jan 06, 2008 21:41
Alright, so for mild clarification, etc, etc....yes, I broke up with Eric. No, it's not easy... If you want to talk to me about it, I'd be happy to chat, but I don't feel like posting it all here. Like I said, just ask.
I was supposed to go to Vermont this weekend to visit with Melissa and everyone...but, sadness, the school decided they weren't going to pay me... so unless I get a check in the mail instead or something, I'm going to have to stay in CT for the rest of break (until the 17th)....unless someone makes a generous donation to my cause. It's the first time I've stayed in CT for all of break. Weird!
Speeeeaking of first-time-ever, I have an opportunity to help rebuild houses in New Orleans over spring break! It's exciting, especially since I haven't really traveled since the high school chorus trips (and that's not really traveling), and I'll be helping people...the fact that they're still re-building homes after Hurricane Katrina is definitely enough reason to lend a hand. However...I won't know until tomorrow whether or not I'll really be going, because they need to make sure they have an extra spot on the plane and all. But things seem hopeful. :)
It's funny... I go to church for the mission projects and the community, not the religion. I've never been a religious person, at all, but I understand and respect the concept; when "church" is synonymous with "pocket of focused positive energy," it's a good thing. I enjoy positive energy, and I am spiritual, in that I understand the idea of "higher power" to encompass, simultaneously, all of the accepted God-forms and none of them as well. It's a slightly more spiritual version of secular humanism. Which is fun, too....faith in the people around you, basically.
A'ight....how's that for the first real entry in a friggin while? It works, it works. :) I have to work on an art gallery promo and eat a snickers bar... t'ta.