Feb 19, 2008 13:05
one of my friends on MySpace is a person I have known for YEARS!!! We have known each other since we were in Kindergarten. In elementary school we were inseperable and acted like twins. Attached at the hip, always at one or the other's house. We would go to camp together and wear the same outfit and try to convince everyone that we were sisters, that we were twins. We liked the all the same things. We had our first little crushes together and joked with the same people...
She moved to Eagle Creek, Oregon, then I moved to Medford. During middle school and high school we saw each other every now and then.
We reconnected when I went to college in Portland. Now, after all these years she is completely different than me. I didn't expect us to be the same but I expected us to still be friends. And oddly enough we are friends, distant but still she talks to me still and I her. I am sure when I get back to portland we will go out for drinks every now and then.
I am just so shocked at how dark she is. She hates everything about life. EVERYTHING. she is extremely cynical and negative. Im wondering what happened to her that made her so dark? She is doing well enough, she has a store of her own that is doing well enough.
Part of me hopes that she comes out of this phase that she is in at some point. Im hoping it is a phase. I wish I could relate to her more. I wish there was something I could say to her, or do for her. There is nothing I can do though. this is something she has to get through on her own. No one can force her out of it. Her parents don't help. I can hear her mom nagging her now, I still remember that voice... and her dad too! geeze.
WE will see, part of me has to hope and wish for her to come back. it is like me... only dark! She is like my alter ego or something. Maybe that is why it scares me so much. Im like what if I was like that? it is scary!
We will see. I will keep talking to her and keep her in my life even if we are distant... I can't get too close cause I just don't understand her.