Dream Scape

Nov 10, 2008 08:50

It seemed to start at a friend's house which in reality is not on a beach but in the dream it was on a tidal beach that looked like a river. I was staying overnight and saw the tide go in and out. I walked the beach in the morning, mud flats and pretty rocks. Then I moved my car, it was on a hill and was in danger of rolling backwards down to the beach. I rolled it back and parked at the bottom of the hill by the beach as there were people on the beach and I didn't want them to get hurt if my car rolled. Then I was headed to town with Patrick (friend's husband) on a bus. After one stop in town I realize I should have my car and head back to get it. By the time I get back there is snow and my car is gone. Patrick get's on the phone and apparently finds out where my car is but he won't tell me! He says he doesn't want to get fired, infers that is is my fault for leaving it and looks at me with a very odd expression. I am not upset at the loss of my car but quite alarmed by Patrick's attitude. I start to walk down the road. I find Suzanne, Patrick's wife and she seems a bit more reasonable, she is about to go talk to Patrick when someone drives by with my car. I shout and a woman returns my car to me. Two little boys are in the car as I drive away. We drive around two or three corners and slip off the road and slowly slide down the embankment landing about 100 feet from the road. I sit there and just breath and think for a few minutes till the mother of the kids comes down to rescue them. I assure her they are all right and get out only to sink up to my waist in snow. I scramble up onto the snow compacted by the car's path and make it back to the bottom of the back by the road. There are figurines set on little shelves all over the back and I recognize them from a previous dream and I think I should look close at these as they must have some importance to show up in two dreams in the same night. (I don't remember the first dream, just the figurines)The only one I clearly remember was a pail green monk made of porcelain. That's the end that I can remember. I remember being really pissed at Patrick, but not concerned that I might never have my car back. I remember thinking that the tow truck was going to have a hard time getting my car because I had slid so far. I remember my socks being dry even as I walked through the deep cold snow.
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