Sep 01, 2003 01:00
And ladies and gentlemen, that is exactly what I am. Let's see, we chiefed with Fatboy Slim (who is for real not slim...he's a chunky monkey) and Llama. So that was a joint...oh yeah, this dude Drew was there too. Then, we chiefed with a juvenile delinquent. So that was two bowls. Then, I did a naughty thing. Then, me and Andrea came in and I pissed. And we just smoked another joint. YEEEHA! But, we didn't smoke leaves this time. Maybe I should run get some. Hahahahah. I'd fall. Yup, so I'm hungry. Doopdidoopdidooooooooo. Well, now you guys have just bored me so I'm tired. I'm gonna eat some fuckin...hell I dunno yet but I'll find somethin. And I'm goin to bed. Love, Peace, Chicken Grease. Peace out homefrie. If yall don't like me, suck me. I just wanna fuuuuuck you. Oh yeah, and I hate Drew Reynolds. Well, sorta. Aight Andrea is telling me to stop so peace out! Muah!