I love all my songs equally, like children.
Okay, so that's not true. I do have a lot of songs that I turn up when they come up on the shuffle, yet I don't think I can call any of them the best. I do have a personal theme song, however. I identified it when I was 18, and in the 7 years since then, it has become more and more applicable.
It is a joyful celebration of emotional dependence on other people. When I was younger, so much younger than today, I was a loner. I lived in my books, and barely interacted with other people. I had relationships with other people, but they were shallow relationships. My emotions were my own, and I never shared them with anyone else. Perhaps I didn't want to share, didn't need to share, or perhaps I didn't know how. Today, the books are neglected most of the time. I have deep, rich relationships with a few wonderful people. I wouldn't trade their help for the world.
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