Feelin' groovy

Nov 16, 2009 23:02

I had a terrible weekend of exhaustion and nausea, which finally culminated in the worst headache ever last night that actually woke me from sleep at 4 a.m. By 4:30, I had decided I was going to get out of bed and go to the corner store to buy a Diet Coke and some Tylenol, because I hadn't had any caffeine that day and knew my body was withdrawing, and all the Tylenol we had in the house was expired and hadn't done anything to the headache. When Lee rolled over and mumbled something, I told him my plan, and he immediately said he would go. And he did and was back in 10 minutes. I took two pills, gulped some soda, and managed to get another hour and a half of halfway decent sleep.

I had a doctor's appointment today at 3:45, and I didn't realize I was nervous about it until after lunch when I had to begin watching the clock to make sure I left on time. After last week's scare and some continued anxiety, I was just plain nervous about how the exam would go, even though I've been trying very hard to be sensible, rational, and calm.

The appointment again revealed an active Inside Baby with a strong heartbeat, and I left the office feeling great. Then I went to Target to pick up some items, and I browsed the Christmas section and felt filled with a general sense of well-being. Then I came home and continued to feel fantastic and ate supper without a hint of nausea, and I'm up now at 10:33, writing this entry with vigor and zest.

So, last weekend: psychosomatic symptoms, or normal pregnancy crap? We'll never know.

Blair will say I'm schmoopy for saying so, but Lee has been amazing during this pregnancy. He's always amazing, of course! But, seriously, he has stepped up to the plate in a major way, particularly these last few weeks where I've felt especially anxious, nauseated, and tired. He has kept up our house and cooked and waited on me and just told me to chill out and gestate. Which is really what I have needed; it has helped tremendously to do very little but that.

I did manage to accomplish some crafting over the weekend, for which I am very proud of myself. First things first: I did repairs on three pairs of pants. The first was my brother Jake's. It had a split crotch seam that I easily sewed up, and then I found a burn hole and patched it up by stitching over a small piece of coordinating felt on the back side, and you can barely tell anything is different. The second pair of pants was mine, and it also had a split crotch seam, an unraveled leg hem, and an undone hook and eye. The third pair had another unraveled leg hem and a broken fly. Those last two I wore for months without repairing them, and now that I finally have fixed them... they don't fit anymore. See you on the flip side, pre-preggo pants! At least when I can fit you again, you'll be all ready to go.

Then, I sewed the last two rows onto this baby:

This is a rag quilt made from Penelope's receiving blankets from when she was a baby. I started this thing over a year ago in Waterbury, and it shouldn't have taken that long, but I craft in fits and starts in recent years. Plus, it sat in a box while we prepared to move, then it sat in a box in storage for six months, then it sat in a box while we moved into our house here.

I ragged-up the edges, the threw it in the washer for some more raggy-fying. Then tonight, after I took these pictures, I also trimmed off the hanging strings.

Penelope was pleased, and in fact she is sleeping right now all wrapped up in her "beenkit."

There, she's wearing a skirt I attempted to make back in, oh, 2006. I screwed it all up, and it never fit right (who but me could screw up a simple wrap skirt so terribly?). But my new desire is to make cloth napkins. I wanted to cut the skirt up and make it into several of these, but Penelope preferred to wear it instead. So I indulged her and instead made some very basic napkins out of some fabric I acquired at the Hat City Scissor Squad craft swap last year.

There's not much of the fabric, and some of it is faded, so I just used to parts where the print was strong, and that was enough for three cute napkins! I made napkins in 2005 with my friend Jennifer in New Orleans, and I used them for a long time but have gotten out of the habit, and many of the napkins I made then are worn out or stained or discolored from being washed with the wrong loads, or whatever. So I want to replenish my supply and begin anew at using cloth napkins, because they are so fun and so cool and oh-so-very green. La dee dah.

And now it's time to say goodbye to all our company. Or at least, it's time to go to bed. Maybe I will dream up some fun (but simple and quick!) project to work on for Inside Baby.


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