Sorting through wedding pix...

Mar 03, 2010 13:22

I'm barely back, totally jetlagged and today quite sick to the stomach for mysterious reasons but looking at the pics makes me smile.

Here's my favorite:

What is it about wedding pictures? Nobody ever looks their best in them. Spank somehow didn't fasten his vest properly and looks like he has a massive girth that he doesn't have at all in reality and I look worn out and tired but that's no surprise.

My first 10 days in Thailand were rough. I had the worst jetlag of my life, couldn't eat at all and didn't get more than 4 hours of sleep for the first 10 nights which somehow triggered a huge anxiety attack that seemed to go on for days - very strange - I'm not really an anxiety attack kind of person. Spank said he never saw me like that before. He was so compassionate and kept on trying to make me laugh - I'm the luckiest woman alive to have him as a husband!

In this fragile state we pulled together the entire wedding planning which was much harder than expected. I wasn't really aware how frail Spank's parents are and Thailand isn't a place for people with even mild physical handicaps. This took the planning to a level of detail that is nearly impossible to communicate to people who barely speak English. In the end everything worked out perfectly but it took a lot of leg work.

The nice thing about doing everything yourself is that you get exactly what you want:
We had the ceremony on the nicest beach on the island (didn't quite translate in the pics), we had lobster dinner in the best restaurant on our beach and the swankest suite for the after-party.

The big winner of the week were our friends who insisted on helping out and procured beautiful flowers (white lotus!) and stocked the bar in our suite so well that the after-party went on for two days! We couldn't have done this without our peeps.

Lisa P deserves a special shout-out for stepping in as our last minute emergency backup minister because Polly got delayed and we didn't know until a few of hours before the ceremony if she would make it in time. With only one day notice Lisa delivered an amazing ceremony and Polly and Scott made it in time to be part of it.

And now I'm Mrs. Spank an I couldn't be happier.

More pictures soon.
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