(no subject)

Aug 21, 2007 00:36

My vacation pretty much sucked. We picked up my brother from camp yesterday, and then our plan was to go to the beach and sand dunes all day. To our surprise it was raining and 50 degrees outside. That blew our plan for the night. We ended up chillin in our little motel room for most of the night. We did ge tto go out to dinner though, which was nice. But then after dinner, since we were in BUTT FUCKING EGYPT, there was nothing else to do, we went back to the smelly motelly room. We would have gotten a hotel with a pool if we knew we were going to be spending so much time in there. The plan was just to sleep there, because the next day (today) we were supposed to go to Michigan Adventures. BUTTTTTT. It was closed on a count of the fucking rain and weather. Hahah. So we had to go home early, like, 6am. And that was our amazing trip.

Anyways, on a lighter note, I spent the day with Arthur today. It was nice. I came home from this "trip", went to the mall to fill out applications and talk to Tracey, and then came home for some dinner. Arthur came and picked me up around 5:30ish, and met my mommy, then we went to see a movie. We saw Superbad and it was funny as hell. After the movie, Melissa was supposed to meet us, but she took to long and we was hungry. Our next stop was All Sports. I saw Betsy there. Wow, I haven't seen this girl in ages, it was nice to talk to her. Anyways, then we had to call it a night because my curfew tonight was 11:30. It was a fun night, and I'm hoping it won't be the only one.

I have to go call Melissa, and hopefully get some sleep so I can plan my day for tomorrow. I really think Tracey just needs to come home. I need her approval on this guy. I need her approval on all my guys.

<3 Goodnight
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