Some time ago a friend of mine asked me what my favorite episode of Buffy was flat out. After thirty minutes I realized I didn't have just one. Hence the following list that took me quite a while to compose. Included are my takes on the best, favorite and least favorite of each season. Worst is not included, because there are no "Worst" episodes of Buffy.
I had a really long explenation for why I picked every episode as opposed to others... but then my computer, being a pain, froze and I lost it all... I'll do critical analysis another day.
~Season 1~
Best: Episode 7
"Angel" Favorite: Episode 12
"Prophecy Girl" Least Favorite: Episode 9
"The Puppet Show" ~Season 2~
Best: Episode 19
"Lie To Me" Favorite: Episode 29
"Passion" Some of the greatest television quotes of all times comes from this episode.
"Passion. It lies in all of us. Sleeping... waiting... And though unwanted... unbidden... it will stir... open its jaws, and howl."
"Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love... the clarity of hatred... and the ecstasy of grief."
"It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank... Without passion, we'd be truly dead. "
Least Favorite: Episode 24
"Bad Eggs" ~Season 3~
Best: Tie. Episode 44
"Amends" and Episode 52
Earshot Trailer Favorite: Episode 42
"Lovers Walk" The return of Spike...
Least Favorite: Episode 41
"Revelations" ~Season 4~
Best: Episode 62
"Wild At Heart" Favorite: Episode 65
"Something Blue" This episode spawned generations of bad Buffy fanfiction in which Spike and Buffy tie the knot...
Something Blue Trailer Least Favorite: Episode 58
"Living Conditions" ~Season 5~
Best: Episode 94
"The Body" If you never see another episode of Buffy ever, I recommend you watch this one. I recommend it over "Once More, With Feeling", any of the season finales, even the series finale. It's THAT important.
The Body Trailer Favorite: Episode 89
"Triangle" In which Anya and Willow discover what everyone else has known all along.
"You can choose which of your women die." "That's insane troll logic!"
Least Favorite: Episode 92
"Crush" This episode was responsible for crushing the hopes of B/S shippers everywhere... what, you guys actually thought it might work? Silly rabbits...
~Season6 ~
Best: Tie. Episode 117
"Normal Again" & Episode 122
"Grave" Favorite: Episode 108
"Tabula Rasa" Comedic genius and beatifully heart wrenching...
Least Favorite: Episode 112
"Doublemeat Palace" This has got squick factor right up there with "The Intervention" from season 5 and the most questionable Buffy-Bot.
~Season 7~
[Side Note: This was the last season, and most people weren't big fans of it, but it was by far my favorite season, because after all, one of the main themes of the season was forgivness.]
Best: Episode 129
"Conversations With Dead People" Favorite: Tie. Episode 142
"Touched" & Episode 136
"First Date" I have one thing to say about "Touched"... too hard to find good screencaps from it. It's like Josh Whendon is purposly hording them.
Touched Trailer Least Favorite: Episode 124
"Beneath You" Not even a shirtless/guilt-ridden Spike could get me more interested in this episode...
*All links provided by
Buffy World *
All Right Then,