Date: 2008-12-16 12:53:07
PostID: 960461347
Title: (missed connections) RE: Stop it
How do you think us lesbian women feel when we don't even have to make eye contact to have men trying to pick us up in real life. And even if we make it clear we're lesbian and inherently not interested, it becomes a quest to f**k the lesbian and stroke your sad little ego.
Here's an idea... if you're such a scared little bigot, you could always, let's see... maybe NOT read the ones that say m4m?
Do us all a favor... stay in your basement masturbating to furry porn until your mom brings you another Mountain Dew and stop imposing your narrow minded bigoted s**t on the rest of us.
"I am so sick of you homosexuals doing missed connections on any guy that makes eye contact with you...people in the service industry are supposed to be friendly...doesn't mean they like dirty ass faggots! "
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