Nov 13, 2004 19:21
i haven't updated in wayy over a month, haha sorry, its not like you missed out on much, my life is pretty boring anyways.. but yea i got a job at target about a month ago, and thats going good. i like it and alot of my friends work there too.. so its cool. umm field hockey ended, but now im playing indoor field hockey n im on the bulldogs :o) and im also doing indoor track... this oughta be fun juggling target, track, field hockey, and oh yeah school, which is going ok i guess. junior year i really hard, everyone always said that but i figured there couldn't be that much of a difference but there is... but yeahh still no boyfriend.. just dating, wich is cool. i got a new cell phone last week. its cool and ummm hmm idk what else to put in here.. ehh i guess ill leave it at that, and im getting the computer in my room completely wiped out soon so i should be updating more often, yay. well im out.. laters ya'll