jeff klapatch is resting in peace

Aug 03, 2005 23:49

its hard when your friend's lives come to an end. i first realized this a year ago when my first friend died, mike makayla. ironically, it was a year ago today that he died. so i woke up crying and fell back asleep, only to be awaken with a call that sent me back into depressing____i learned that over the night jeff had died, in the motorcycle accident. im crushed, as im sure many people are. but you know what? if you really knew jeff, old school jeff, it hearts for your heart to beat. but as much as it hurts, i know im lucky. to have had such a friendship with such an amazing person.

what i realize, after the death of mike, justin smith a few months after, and then devon on thursday and now jeff... is that life should be cherished. shame on you for fucking leaving a situation in harsh words or harsh feelings. you should always say goodbye in good thought, because you dont know when your life will be over.

all 4 of my friends that have died in these past few years... their souls are at rest. they dont have to deal with earthly drama, lakeland, emotions. i like to believe that they're beyond that, in a different state of mind. out of body. not necessarily heaven/hell shit. just gone. it hurts, but you know what? everything happens for a reason, as hard as that is to believe. now maybe nobody will drink and drive. maybe people will think before they react.

i loved the hell out of that boy. i cant belive ben carlton cant hear about it right now. and as soon as jeff has a permanent place to sleep, the old crew - justin k, frank, benicus, rick, toni, me, and jeff are going to share a hot+ready.

rest in peace jeff, devon, justin, and mike. i love you all, and i always will. the memories are always with me, through tears and smiles.
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