Nov 30, 2004 19:12
I don't really have anything to write about here on LJ, however considering I have:
a five page paper for ENG 201,
a research paper for PSY 370,
two faux research papers for PSY 387,
+ it couldn't hurt to study for my 3 exams next week, and 3 the week after...
I am sure that I will find something useless to go on and on about. Too bad if It's required, I wont do it. ('till last minute, anyway) Requirements suck!
Anyway, I guess I don't have much to complain about aside from the afore mentioned assignments.
OH... I could complain about my botany assignment... We had to keep a journal all semester about a plant. You would think, this being a 200 level college biology class, that the assignment would require research, and real knowledge. Instead, we were graded based on "creativity". How do you score such a large percentage of a person's grade based on something as subjective as that?? This assignment would be fine if it was just an opportunity to raise your grade, however it should not be an opportunity to loose points. Let me just make one thing clear: I got all of the "creativity" points so that is not why I am complaining. (however some people did get "bonus" creativity points because apparently they were EXTRA CREATIVE). BUT I did get marked down for not having graphs including temperature and growth trends, an aspect of the project which we were apparently supposed to just KNOW was required (because it was not mentioned in the assignment description). Infact,... nobody had graphs with this data.. but somehow some people received all of the possible points plus 3 bonus creativity points. BAHH!
Anywho,... gotta run to a PSI CHI meeting. Elections hmmm... should I run for some position?...