Mar 15, 2004 22:30
Roy Horn is the most (to say the least). He's so darn interesting. It's too bad that I will never see his show. It's too bad that I waited until after he was savagely mauled by one of his tigers to take interest in his lifes work. Keep fighting Roy, I know you will pull through.
I lost a parfait shift... hmmm... I don't quite know whether to be excited about the extra 2 hours of sleep on wednessdays, or to be pissed off because I will now have $10 less in my wallet every week. If you add that to the half hour they cut off my Monday and Wednessday serving shift that's a total of $20 less per week. Maybe I should take up movie making...
Anywho, my grandma made me some chocolate chip cookies, so I think it is time to dig in...