So I've finally gotten around to writing some form of a day-to-day report for my experience at AT5. I apologize for the quality of the pictures--I was right at the back row and I didn't have the best camera for taking a good quality picture that far back (Gotta invest on a good one for next year. OMG. I cannot wait to work again. Only because I want/need the money. lol) I didn't want to use pictures posted/taken by others without permission. Well, I sorta have permission from one but he has yet to upload it yet. I'll probably link his album here, with credit, when he sends me the link.
It will be behind cuts, because it is going to be really long and there will be some pictures. So, here it is. :)
It is past midnight and I am still lying on my stomach, on my bed, finishing up the letter I have for Amanda Tapping. It feels like I have so much to say, yet I don't know what to say and I don't know where to start from. Finally, at around 4am, I've completed the letter and stuff it, along with the card and laminated sketch, nicely into an A4 envelope. I have to be awake in about 4 hours--by the latest.
Well, needless to say I woke up about 45minutes later than I would have liked. I rolled around in bed wondering if I should rush to school, or just skip the lesson entirely. I opted for the latter.
I rechecked my packing and it soon was time for me to get to the coach station.
It didn't feel that long a journey on the bus, seeing that I have my iPad, and my iPod with me. When I reached Heathrow T5, it wasn't difficult to find my way to the bus stop/panel with the free bus that goes to Renaissance Hotel. I informed the driver where I was going and he assured me that it was the 6th stop. Funny thing, he told me to get off on the 2nd, and I thought perhaps there were stops he had went by earlier that no one had alighted or boarded (though I honestly counted that it was the 2nd stop I've seen.) But hey, he's the driver and he probably knew a lot better than I do. So I went off.
I ended up walking all the way to Renaissance Hotel in the rain. It was a long walk--I honestly wasn't surprised, or pissed, because somehow I was actually expecting something like this to happen. Flashback to when I first arrived in Bournemouth and tried to walk to my school campus (the person told me it was possible and gave me a map). But at least this time, my instincts told me I was in the right direction and people that I asked didn't make me walk around in circles. Instructions from Pat, Katie and Denise helped too.
When I finally arrived at Renaissance, the rain has stopped. I hugged Pat and Katie, then we checked in.
It was fun for the first day, considering how I couldn't recognize most people because one picture can only show so much. I totally had no idea that Jen was Jen until later. She on the other hand, seemed to recognize me. (Sorry Jen! Head injury!) The amazing thing was that although I have never met any of them before, and the longest time I've met any of them via online was 5 weeks, I felt right at home.
After the dinner at the pub and some dodgy photos (Pat and I messed around with the salt and pepper, then people started taking pictures of her and Denise pretending to sniff it up like doing coke lines), as well as a few shots, we retired to our rooms.
Pat and I woke up at around 6ish for breakfast. First thing we both decided was that after breakfast, we'll be heading riiight back to bed. And we did. Denise left before everyone was done--poor thing had a hang over. After that many glasses of wine and shots, I'm not quite surprised. Pat on the other hand was not even buzzed. xD Granted, she probably didn't ingest as much as Denise did.
Breakfast was nice. D'oh. lol.
Then we went back to bed and woke up at around 11ish again. Showered, got dressed and went down. There was the Newbies gathering where everyone introduced themselves. Simple "name and where you're from". Some more attendees arrived today, such as Sarah, Andrea and Nat.
Registration started at 1.30pm. We rushed in/queued up, got our "Goodie bags" and roamed around the Somerset Suite, buying whatever merchandise that caught our eye. I went a little crazy with the quote buttons--I admit, I'm a quote-freak.
After which we all gathered around, hung out with each other for a bit then John dragged Katie and got her to bring all of us 'round to another corner for test shots. Goofy stuff. One memorable moment though--while attempting to get me up on her lap, Kate and I had managed to boot Denise off the back of the couch. Giggles and "OMG I'm so sorry!" followed. Rachel later revealed jokingly that the first thing that came to her mind when Denise fell was "My photos!" Nobody broke anything. :) Then each one went up to get their "test shots" taken by the wonderful John, which then later Pat and Darren practically lifted me off the couch for the test shot. It must have been a mess and I don't even know how my face looked like. There's probably at least ONE good shot--the first one, where I stuck my tongue out and did a "rock on!" sign.
When it was about time, the Charmed ticket holders went back to their rooms to get all dressed up for the cocktail party while the rest of us hung around. and soon we were all gathered in groups around the lobby, waiting for Amanda Tapping to appear. There were wall-sitting contests, crazy shout-outs (which a hotel staff approached and informed us we were too loud) and nubbin pile-ups. All done while wondering what would happen if Amanda Tapping were to arrive in the middle of our crazy stunts.
Not long after, a group of kids arrived and gathered at the lobby entrance. "What do you bet she's going to walk in right about now, when they are all blocking the way?" I said. Then true enough, she arrived. I tried to take pictures as she went by--honestly, I've never seen anyone move so fast--but failed miserably. I'm still waiting for Pat to upload/send the video to me so I can do screen captures out of them. Needless to say, we cheered.
All Tamy saw was shoes. xD It still didn't feel real to me, but perhaps it was because she wasn't that up-close and I was concentrating on getting a shot of her. It felt more like watching a you-tube clip.
A bunch of us then went off for dinner at the pub and rushed back to the lobby to witness her exist. We thought it'd take an hour, but we were mistaken. Amanda Tapping actually took the time to speak to each and every one of the attendees at the cocktail party, even when the Gabit staff tried to rush her on due to time constrain--that is how wonderful she is. She makes sure she gets to every one.
And finally, she exited. We waved, then soon retired to our rooms. There was supposed to be some sort of "Christmas party" but it was too late by then. We all had to drag our asses up at 6 the following day, get dressed, have breakfast and be in the hall by 8.15am.
Up bright and early, we had breakfast. Then all groggy-eyed we sat outside the Somerset Suite waiting for the time to go in.
Funny thing--while we were watching the opening videos, Pat and I, seated right at the back on the far left, squealed and commented rather loudly. While pretty much the entire hall of audiences knew where Amanda Tapping was standing (which is right next to us, at the divider/panel to our left), neither of us knew until she revealed herself and went up stage. Can I say embarrassing? I actually squealed when it came to "Breach" and when Nikola Tesla made an appearance in the videos.
First thing Amanda does was to whip out her camera and started snapping pictures of the audiences, then asked the Woohoos to stand up, taking a picture to prove to Martin Wood that they are indeed real.
The Q&A session went on, some of which can be found in the
Memorable Quotes post. Some of the wonderful people are coming up with the transcript for the Q&A, which will be priceless. Hopefully I'll be able to link them here, with their permission, of course. :)
(eta. Here is an awesome recap, with Q&A transcripts and the epic "When John Druitt and Jack O'Neill meets in an elevator" skit:
by pengyn More may come as people write them up and as I get their permission to post here. :) )
I think I remember a Sanctuary quiz, which I tried not to fail terribly at. Didn't make it to the elimination rounds anyway, but it had been fun.
Oh then there was the photoshoot session. Pat and I shoveled everyone forward, wanting to be the last ones to take the photo with Amanda Tapping. I think Pat had in mind to make her tear up, while I was simply not prepared. I wasn't expecting myself to be nervous, or fangirly, but as my turn gets closer, I was nervous. Maybe I've psyched myself into it, seeing how nervous and jittery some were.
Bottom line, I got there, Julia held my hand and led me to Amanda, introduced me (as I'm a con virgin). Amanda held her arms out and yelled out my name. My calm, goofy self would have done the same, yelling out her name. I was taken aback at the way she greeted me and immediately wondered if she had actually known me from somewhere, or if someone had told her about me because honestly, I'm not well-known at all. My reaction was probably written all over my face.
I got my first hug from her. It was warm, and nice, and honestly longer than I expected. I won't be surprised if she could feel my heart pounding against her, but she rubbed my back a little and I returned the gesture, then probably let out a breathe too loudly as I started to calm down a bit. Then there was the photo taking, and John broke the ice asking where I'm flying in from. I answered, and those were pretty much the words that came out of my mouth. And instead of ME blabbering, Amanda started blabbering and thanking me for attending and I just stood there like an idiot with a smile on my face. Well, whether or not the smile was there, I had no idea. Then she proceeded to ask if I was having fun and if "people were treating me ok". The first part was expected, the second part made me raise an eyebrow. Which again, no idea if the reaction registered on my face but honestly, why am I so nervous? I said a "yes", I think I nodded, then the cat caught my tongue. I ended up saying "Hi", dragged out and quite awkwardly, then started to inch away. My mind just went blank. She had this huge, excited smile on her face, said "hi", then somehow, I just....walked away. Honestly, how many times do I have to embarrass myself in front of her? But again, not a surprised to me because I've came to know and accept that I suck at first impressions. Did I mention that she's really tall and even with super high heels on, I'm only as tall as the height of her shoulder?
Then there was the auction.
The attendees were genuinely generous with their donations--it wasn't so much about the items on auction but the thought that the money goes to charity anyway. First bid winner was Jennifer, seated right in front of me, so I had Amanda at close range for quite a while. See I would have taken the opportunity to start snapping pictures--perfect chance to have SOME good quality pictures, right? But while the others were doing it, I didn't. Then for the rest of the auction I didn't even attempt to take pictures because she was moving around so quickly it was hard to get a good shot. xD
There was then a moment where she finally stopped to hug a gigantic bear, claiming that it's the "most huggable thing EVAR!" and then obviously posed for shots. I took the opportunity and took as many pictures as I can. That far back, it's hard to tell how many will actually turn up half-decent. lol. (pictures at the end of the post) In the midst of the auction, I believe, Amanda initiated a bucket run--where we put change/donations into the buckets as they came by. She was gobsmacked by our generosity.
The auction had went longer than expected and the Abnormals' Ball was pushed back half an hour later, so we all had more time to get ready for it. A few of us went off to McDonald's for dinner, then hurried back to change into whatever abnormal outfit we had in mind. I was supposed to be the love child of Helen Magnus and Nikola Tesla (sorry, complete fangirl of the two. lol), and had the power of shape shifting, probably on top of whatever the two had. Reason to explain away how I look nothing like either of them, and didn't get the good genes of Mama's height.
There were a few vampires and quite a number of Helen Magnus in different forms around. Henry the werewolf made an appearance, and Denise wore her winning bid--an outfit of the off-world creatures in SG-1's episode "One False Step". I salute her for her guts. And needless to say, a picture of her in it went up on the internet and found its way to Amanda.
The ball was amazing--the songs, the energy, the people. I had blue jello for the first time in my life and I immediately understood why Sam Carted loved it so much. It tastes a LOT better than any other flavours I've had. I should probably have bought/taken more, but oh well. For most of the time while the rest sat, Tamy, Emma and I were on the dance floor. How Tamy and I managed not to break our feet, I have no idea. But yes, dancing on heels hurt like hell. All in all, it was a lot of fun. :D
By the time Sunday came, we (especially the newbies) were used to Amanda being around and are not so nervous around her, and we all have became a family. Nobody wanted the event to end. It's probably like what someone (I don't remember who. Was it Lucy Lawless? I think it was) about her favourite seasons in Xena. The first one (like the first day of con) was all new, exciting and fresh, then by the third season (like the third day of con) everyone's familiar with each other and things are at its peak--everything's going perfect.
This time Pat and I knew where Amanda was standing and tried not to make a complete fool out of ourselves. LOL. More Q&A, then there was Sanctuary webisodes being played (Pat and I argued a bit on that. She insisted that it was the TV episodes and I insisted that they were not. lol) There was a Gabit auction which I sat in for a little bit, but of course, the bids weren't quite as epic as the one yesterday.
I believe I missed the Hearing Dogs demonstration at some point, and I don't remember if it was today or yesterday.
And during the Q&A when I finally had a question to ask, Gabit had flashed the 5-minutes left sign. I didn't mind, because during that 5 minutes we were treated to something epic. We had to hide our cameras in our bags, cross our hearts and promised not to tell. LOL. *zips lips, locks and throws key away*
Then of course, the autograph session. I couldn't decide what to let her sign. Kat had pretty much yelled at me via SMS, in caps, that I absolutely HAVE to have my picture taken with her signed. So I thought what the heck, sure. Even though she looks gorgeous and I look quite blah. Then a little before I went in, I bought Julia's book (which I have yet to read it. I promise I will, Julia! I may get my assignment done first. lol). Not long after, it was decided--I'm having her sign my ipod, and we get a signature from both Julia and Amanda with the purchase of the book.
Before I went in, there was a kind woman who came around, letting us put on her Sam Carter (original one) military jacket and take pictures with it. My jaw literally dropped when she told me that it was the original one. While I don't go around hugging strangers, I thanked and hugged her. It was a really nice gesture, what she's doing. So I put on the jacket, got my picture taken before I went in for the autograph. This time, I was a little more prepared and determined not to make a fool of myself.
For the personalization, I decided to use my birth name instead of my online one (as everyone here know me by). When I went to the table, I actually was surprised that I got actual words out. They asked which name I'd like to use and Amanda was 'bout to grab my tag to see it, since that's pretty much not the name I was introduced to her with (if she remembered the awkward moment the day before). I shyly pointed to my birth name and they used it. I was asked a courtesy "How are you?" by one of them, I honestly couldn't remember who, but as everyone's eyes were down as they signed, I dodged away for eye contact for a bit--which may have contributed to my calmness. Then bravely, I said "Well, good. Hopefully I can say manage to say more than just 'Hi' now." and did a *facepalm* Julia laughed, Amanda...snorted? LOL. Or well, gave a little laugh. Then they debated over how to sign my iPod. xD Amanda ended up signing on both sides, just in case the one on the shiny surface doesn't stay. That is just so sweet of her. :) Julia was like "You're going to have it all over it now." and I was like "Well, I don't mind." LOL.
Then thank god, I managed to say something else just as I left. I thanked Amanda (Julia was a little occupied with signing Pat's book at that point, I think) and said "See you next year!" She turned around, eyes lit up, smiled and went "Thank you!" I did a smile-shrug-grin and left.
Outside, Sharon asked if I was able to speak. Surprisingly, I was! lol. I was still quite mortified by my first encounter with Amanda, but of course, everyone assured me that the incredibly nice lady she is, she's not going to think much of it. I do believe them, but it doesn't mean I'm not still embarrassed! LOL.
Epic moment: In 3 days, under 300 people, we raised 41,000GBP in total. My jaw dropped. I've never seen so much money raised in such a short period of time, by such a small group of people. Absolutely gobsmacked.
And ah, closing ceremony. Goddamnit, I'm not one who cries but the woman made me cry. Her thank-yous were sincere and genuinely heart felt, and she literally took the words out of my heart as she thanked the stewards and the G4 for their incredible work to make this weekend a wonderful experience for everyone. What she said about John was so incredibly true--he is an incredible person, such joy and fun to have met him, and he made everyone feel beautiful.
By the closing ceremony video, the pictures, memories, accompanied by the song had reduced me to tears. I was holding back the flood (Ah! Lyrics of the song "The Flood" by Take That") but that didn't stop the few tears from escaping. I didn't want the lights to turn on and be the only idiot who has bawled her eyes out. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who cried--pretty much everyone did.
Pat and I hugged, then Katie joined us in the hug, and we all went outside. Andrea was already there and waved us over, but Pat and Katie stayed put, so I joined Andrea. A few more came out later, and I spot Cynthia and gang in tears. I went over briefly and hugged them, stayed a while, then re-joined Andrea. She was probably holding her tears in until I hugged her. We cried for a bit, then took a breather. Not long after, Amanda came out with the Gabit staff and her security. We clapped, cheered, waved. She hugged Ryan (this time he didn't try to dodge her hug) and waved back. Andrea and I stayed put, clapping as she waved her goodbyes. I was honestly expecting her to walk straight like she did the first night after the cocktail party, but instead, she turned and headed towards our direction. This time, my heart wasn't beating with nervousness as she approached.
When Julia walked by, in front of Amanda, I thanked her, then thanked Amanda when she came into my line of sight. Andrea managed an "I love you" to her and Amanda did the 'tilt-head' and an "aww". Then she thanked both of us--the sincerity in her eyes bore into ours. In her mid stride, she turned, pointed at me and suddenly, she said my birth name. I nodded a yes and I had no idea what I was doing with my arms, or what my face looked like. I was filled with gratitude and pleasant surprise that not only had she remembered, she pronounced it accurately. With the different pronunciations between English and Mandarin, I won't be surprised if anyone pronounced it wrongly. And then she retreated into her ride as we all continued to wave, clap and cheer.
Andrea and I just held each other with tears in our eyes. I actually gave a flying kiss to Amanda, which till today, I wasn't sure if that was quite insane though I knew that in that moment, I was genuinely thankful to everyone who had brought together an experience so powerful it touched souls. Thinking back now, I did feel a little like a moron, all overwhelmed with tears that she actually said my Chinese name. *facepalm*
The crowd dispersed after she left, then as the time nears for me to go, I tried to seek out everyone I know for a goodbye hug. Unfortunately, there were a few that I didn't get to hug goodbye (Rachel, Zoe, Nadine, Emma, Cynthia...who else...?)
Pat, Katie and I went up to Katie's room and got my luggage. Pat kindly helped me with my luggage and they walked in the rain with me, and waited for the bus. We had our final hugs goodbye when the bus came, and they padded off to join the rest in the pub.
Then there I was, first in the bus, then at Terminal 5, wearing my Sanctuary for Kids shirt with my tags still hanging around my neck. I didn't feel embarrassed, which I probably would have under other circumstances. But I felt proud--proud to be in such a powerful group of people who dared to believe, proud to be involved in such good causes and proud to call all of them a family. In a short amount of 4 days, they have became my second home, my second family, and I have never in my life, felt as blessed, loved, and hugged as I did.
The weekend, while tiring and may have stolen most of our voices, was powerful, filled with love, beautiful, touching and soulful.
Special Thanks to Amanda Tapping and the Gabit staff
Thank you for being the forces that brought all of us together. Thank you, Gabit staff, for your time and hard work for making this weekend an incredible journey. Thank you Amanda, for simply being you. Never change. :)
Special Thanks to All who have played a part in my life, my journey during this short period of time. I'll never forget the amazing times we've had.
...some partial lyrics to describe the weekend....
"To think I might not see those eyes
Makes it so hard not to cry
And as we say our long goodbyes
I nearly do
Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear."
RUN - Snow Patrol
"I know sometimes you feel like you don't fit in
And this world doesn't know what you have within
When I look at you, I see something rare
A rose that can grow anywhere
And there's no one I know that can compare
You don't know how you touched my life
Oh in so many ways I just can't describe
You taught me what love is supposed to be
It's all the little things that make you beautiful to me"
"Standing at the edge of forever
At the start of whatever
Shouting love at the world
We will meet you where the lights are
the defenders of the faith we are
Although no-one understood
we were holding back the flood
learning how to dance the rain.
We were holding back the flood
they said we'd never dance again."
THE FLOOD - Take That
"I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
You'll be with me
Like a hand print on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend..."
AT5 songs DownloadBecause You Loved Me | Dumbledore's Farewell | Hey Soul Sister | Hypertension | Let Me Entertain You | Mercutio | Proud | Stand in the Rain | Stand My Ground | The Flood | What Makes You Different
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