Creative Writing Prompts

Jun 24, 2008 10:31

Compose a list of familiar phrases, or phrases that have stayed in your mind for a long time--from songs, from poems, from conversation.

Take an idea, anything that interests you, or an object, then spend a few days looking and noticing, perhaps making notes on what comes up about that idea, or, try to create a situation or surrounding where everything that happens is in relation.

Do experiments with sensory memory: record all sense images that remain from breakfast, study which senses engage you, escape you.

In a poem, list what you know.

Etymological work. Experiment with investigating the etymologies of all words that interest you, including your own name(s). Approaches to etymologies: Take a work you've already written, preferably something short, look up the etymological meanings of every word in that work including words like "the" and "a". Study the histories of the words used, then rewrite the work on the basis of the etymological information found out.

I happened to like these ones. For more go to
PS, can anyone tell me how to insert links as my own text? Do I have to be a paying LJ customer to do that?


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