With all the paper in my apartment, you'd think the gremlins could eat the less important stuff

Apr 10, 2009 19:01

I have to select an article for my Latin 300 classmates to read; provide an electronic copy; lead a brief discussion. We turned in a ten source bibliography of articles which we might choose from ... within the first three weeks of class. I would swear that I printed all of the articles on my bibliography. Which should mean I have ten articles.  My plan was to be at my favorite coffee shop an hour ago, reading through most of those ten articles (rather than skimming thesis and conclusion--plenty for the bibliography).

As it turns out however, I only have a complete hard copy of one of those ten articles. I have two others of which I'm missing the last pages due to operator error with my printer. Found the bibliography: turns out that there was one article which (for reasons beyond my comprehension) Inter Library Loan could not find. Another which was really a chapter of a book. And the other five? Who knows. All of my research for the Neoptolemus project (for which the deadlines are about, oh, eleven months away) are neatly printed together in a file folder.

The good news is that I didn't put this off until the last minute, and I don't actually have to select and electronically post an article until early next Thursday afternoon. Still, I really wanted to be sipping my steaming cup of Evening in Missoula tea, instead of rummaging through every three ring binder, pocket folder, and accordion file in my apartment only to come up empty handed.

Perhaps I'll go to The Break anyway and read a novel instead.

scholarship, latin, grouching, reading

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