Old Favorites

Mar 28, 2009 11:21

Sorry there've been no posts of late. Burning the candle at both ends the weeks before Spring Break. I'm dogsitting for the first weekend of break, then going home with a friend for the rest of the week. Next weekend I'm helping to throw a bridal shower for my dear friend, Des, who's getting married at the end of this semester.

Last night, because I couldn't make myself (or the dog I'm caring for) go to bed at 5pm when I was first settled in, I watched LOTR. I'd watched Fellowship last weekend while dogsitting for the same people (and while doing some homework). Then, last night, I watched Two Towers and Return of the King one after the other. They're much better that way. I'm still a purist fan of the books and don't feel like most of the plot/character raping tweaking Jackson and Co. did was all that necessary. However, as films, I think they lose a lot of the emotional impact when you see them months apart. I actually cried at the end of Return. Like, four times. And I'm not much of a crier. Of course, I was also exhausted from having been sick and having had three tests in the preceding week. But still.

I'm now re-reading The Chronicles of Narnia. I re-read LOTR within a year of its first reading, but Chronicles I haven't actually read since my mom read them to me when I was twelve. Which, frighteningly, is now more than half of my life ago. I'm a little more than halfway through The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I love Lewis' narrator's style. I don't know if I could do it, nor do I think it would work for adult/non-juvenile/non-YA book. But it's fun. Light, but the narrator, while omniscient and nameless, is still an active character.

And last but not least, jimhines is running a really fun contest for a free copy of his book, Stepsister Scheme, which I read and really enjoyed.

PS, it's snowing. Blah.

updatery, movies, books

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