Aug 11, 2008 13:09
Because I didn't have enough things to do *cough* I've taken on another project. I don't remember if I've blogged about it or not, so I'll sum up: I'm cataloging books which were bequeathed to the Classics Section (my section) of the Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures (MCLL) department by a former Classics instructor. They're giving me a research scholarship and I can write on my resume that I've worked for the Classics Section. Which is good when what I want to do is get an academic job working in the Classics Field.
Some of these books will be shelved in the University's main library, The Mansfield, but many of them we have to make room to keep somewhere. The instructor whose idea it was to hire me for this project, Linda, estimates it will take about 30 and needs to be completed by Sunday (6 days from now) because the Seminar Room where the books are all piled on the conference table will be used during fall orientation one week from today.
So, now, in addition to sporadic word counts, I'll also be giving Ephron Book Counts (EBCs). Today's Lunch EBC: 35.