Sep 09, 2004 20:23
High school? What do you want to know about it? How about some stats that I find very interesting about the first two days of school:
Number of Times I Had To Ask for Directions: 6
Number of Times I Got Lost: 9
Number of Hot Guys (in my classes): 0
Number of Teachers Who Assigned Homework on the First Day: 4
Number of People on my Bus: 7
Number of Times I Wished JOanna or a Non-IB Friend Was There: Lost Count
This morning I woke up at 5:10, as usual and I realized that I will be waking up at that time for the next NINE MONTHS!! Holy crap. Does that suck or what?
I couldn't go rock climbing today with Joanna and Stasia, which made me sad. I was sooo looking forward to it. My brother had a doctor's appointment or something.
Football game tomorrow. But it's at Bayside. I don't think I'm going. I was only planning on going to the home games and OL, FC, and Cox. Maybe I will...doubt it.
<3 Jessica
P.S. I miss my other friends sooo much!!!