Feb 06, 2008 21:02
2 days in a row now posting! Good for me! Today Gabrielle went to school, and I just wanted a nap but I had so much to do no nap got taken :( But I got a yummy dinner my first one since Matt has left, since he has left I have had sandwhiches and fast food. But I went over to a friends and got some yummy cooked food. So that was nice. I am hoping I can get to bed early tonight and the kids willl sleep good!
Tagged By woozles18 (i dont know how to type a name so you can click on it)
A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
1) I can never set the alarm for a normal even time such as 8am, it has to be like 8:03am...just something I have done for along time now!
2) When I drink a can of pop, I turn the top around so it goes thru the place where the pop comes out if that make sense, it makes the pop come out not as fast, have been doing that since Middle school and I cant get out of that habit!
3) My right foot the second and third toe is webbed but only half way, my moms right foot two with the same toes if webbed all the way to the top, and Gabrielles is the same as my moms too.
4) For almost 2 years now I have one soda a day a Diet Dr.Pepper, at lunch, and I enjoy it and dont like to share!
5) At night when i take my contacts out I have to go pee at the same time.
6) I have to put chapstick on right before bed and have it on the nightstand with me.
7) haha Magan..I would get a boob job, well really after kids and breastfeeding I would like a boob lift not a boob job! haha
I am going to disobey the 3rd rule, I dont have enough friends to tag, so if you want to do it go ahead :)