Oct 27, 2004 02:55
Hey guys! well it has been a REALLY LONG TIME since i've updated!! golly gee! well kayla did this for me <33 cuz i didnt kno how to do it lol! well i've been writin in my xanga but now im gonna write in here cuz its so perty in pink n black!! well i just got home from school and had an okay day...
1st blk- okay as usual i mean we did some fcat crap which i didnt like that much but o well i'll get over it!
2nd blk- GAY AS FUHHHH lol it was retarded as usual mrs. stupid snyder gave me a c which is not a bad grade but i have just worked so hard in that class and she gives me a freikin C!!! goodness!
3rd blk- typing...what else is there to say lol!
4th blk- fun as usual i love mr. ehlers! he is like my favorite teacher now! he gave us what is going to be our test today and said we can take it home and study it and then we will have the same paper tomorrow for the test so im excited i hope i can pass this one lol!
that was my day today! comment if ya wanna!
Love yall!! <333 Jessica
Thanx Kayla!! love ya!