Jun 20, 2006 18:20
just walked back in the door of our apartment. sgood to be home.
soooooooooo... my trip... well?
seeing radiohead from four rows back was pretty much the best thing ever. pretty much.
some guy on acid ran around naked shitting everywhere.
nick played in front of a bunch of people in the VW garage (which is like an open jam session bonnaroo offers) and got props for it the whole rest of the trip by random people.
longest i've ever gone without a shower.
heard all my favorite death cab songs.
little beck puppets. hahaha.
soulive put on one helluva show.
and then i went back to birmingham for a day.
and had breakfast with kafryn.
lunch with warren and zack.
movie with the aforementioned... and irony.
dinner with my momsie.
and after 30something hours in the car all combined i think i'll walk wherever i need to go from now on.
aaaaand now nick and mack and i are home. mmmmmmmm. and we're happy.