I'm turning the page to the next chapter in my life!

Aug 18, 2006 21:39

So yeah haven't written in here for awhile...and I know that you don't read these if they are a mile long...so I'm going to attempt to generalize alot so I can let you all in on my life at the current moment without boring you to death!

Camp: I worked the rest of the city camps (including 1 city camp that I had a girl spit on me and call me a F***ing Whore and tell me she didn't have to listen to a God Damn Word I said and another city camp that I was a counselor for 9 7-8year olds...1 of whom should of been sent home on Monday, and 3 of whome cried every night till about 130 from home sickness) and Burn Camp with an amazing staff of 9! We had a BLAST and really enjoyed our last week! Final dinner was amazing as Star and I's board was put up in the dining hall! There are pictures on facebook if you care to see :) Bernie also LOVED his VW that I painted the Happy Hollow logo on...THANK GOODNESS! I also decided that no matter what this is my last year. They give you your old timer status for a reason after 3 years. That after your third year you become too old and you also get really bored with the monotony of the camp weeks. Don't get me wrong I LOVE THE KIDS and the staff I just need to move on and do something else! Anyways I finished my last day of Burn Camp and got home around 8 pm on Friday August 4th.

Family: I spent a few days with my family and helped my sister go shopping for senior picture clothes (we found some cute ones!) and my mom set up her preschool classroom. Hung out with my nana and great grandma as well (for those of you who don't know my Nana moved back from Tennessee and took in my Great Grandma who was going to have to go to a nursing home because the son she was living with couldn't take care of her anymore). Anyways they are doing WONDERFUL and my Great Grandma is in such better health just because my Nana lets her get out and see people and they even went shopping and Great Grandma got to have her own purse!!

House: I moved into my NEW house on August 8th. I'm living with Amanda and Steph right now, but Steph moves out Sunday and then Michelle moves in the following Saturday so our house can be complete! It is THE MOST WONDERFUL PLACE EVER!! I'm SO excited! I mean its so cool to have a HOUSE that is ours! I absolutely ADORE my housemates and so far all we have had is FUN TIMES!

Visitors: So far Laura came to visit me last weekend and we went to the MC street fair (AKA Fun Fest) and then Rachael Frank came to visit me on the 16 and stayed till this morning. It's been fun to share my place with some friends and show them around :).

Student Teaching: One of the major reasons I moved in early was because I was required to be at my student teaching placement for the first three days of school (the first teacher day and then students first two days). I have some WONDERFUL cooperative teachers. They are all pretty old (The youngest I think is 52) and they have ALL been there basically since the school was built. Anyways they bring alot of experience and it will also be interesting for me as I am techinically in a 5th grade gen ed room for my 2nd placement but they do it departmental style so I will be teaching 2 5th grade science classes and 2 6th grade language classes along with my home room group of kids reading, composition, and extras (health, etc). I will never teach History or Math. Also, my special ed placement is with a lady who does an entire day of Wildcat Readers. So for the first placement I will teach 1-6th grade remedial reading to 12 students at a time for 45 minute slots. Should be interesting but also keep my busy and on my feet. I absolutely love it though and honestly wish I could skip methods and just student teach all the time. Although I would be EXHAUSTED as I came home ever night and about died :).

In Other News: Golf team moves in on Sunday. I'm having all of the girls over for a cookout Sunday night and then we start practice on Monday. Hardcore so I'm going to be exhausted! Lindan left the education department so we got a bit of a shift in education profs, but it looks like we may be liking it better because we have NO CLASSES WITH KORRINE YIPPEE!!!) Also I am offically starting a new chapter in my life :) I moved into a NEW house, started student teaching, my SENIOR year at Manchester is about to begin on August 30th, and I am now single. At first I thought I would be upset but actually I have been in the most wonderful mood with ALL of these changes. I am alot happier now and didn't realize how much I was frustrated and stressed with the relationship I was in and how much I was taking things out on people that didn't deserve it. Nick was a great guy don't get me wrong just definitely not mean't for me.

WOW so that ended up being alot longer than I had expected. I'm sorry for writing so much guess I didn't realize how much I really had to tell! Hope everyone had a WONDERFUL summer and everyone is getting excited about the upcoming school year! Have a great weekend everyone!

Love ya!
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