Fic: The Wait is Over - Will/Emma (Glee)

Dec 14, 2009 23:09

Title: The Wait is Over - Part I
Rating: PG
Summary: Takes place a few months after 1.13 - "Sectionals". Emma prepares for her first date with Will.
Word Count: 1,222
Pairing (if any): Will/Emma
Disclaimer: These characters aren’t mine. They’re just fun to play with.
A/N: First, I would like to that my beta, Rose, for reading this through and giving her input for this piece. Much love! Second, this is my first piece that is not a drabble for Glee. I’m thinking that I will make this a chapter series, but I’m not 100% decided yet. Let me know what you think!

The Wait is Over

The cool air of the winter months was quickly fleeting and spring was slowly meandering into place. The trees were flooding green with buds and birds were chirping their jovial songs once again. One particular song flooded from a cracked window of an apartment building. The voice cooed along to a song that she’d sung before; the song that she sung when she had been swept off her feet, literally. If all the moments prior to that dance hadn’t secured her feelings, that dance surely did.

Emma grinned at her own reflection. She ran the final touch of light auburn eyeliner beneath her eye, simple, but no different from her day-to-day wear. She placed it back on the counter, in its rightful place beside the blush, which she traded for. A quick dusting of pink to each cheek and she gave herself a nod of approval in the mirror. She turned on her heels and strode out of the bathroom.

Though her make-up was the same, tonight was not. Tonight was a new night. Tonight was the night she had been longing for. Tonight was her first official date with Will Schuester. Months had passed since she’d quit her job at McKinley High School; since he’d kissed her in the hallway; since she told him it wasn’t a good idea to rush into something.

Once in her bedroom, she opened her closet doors, searching for the perfect outfit. Running her hands along the array of fabrics, her fingers skimmed along the trim of a deep emerald green dress. She pulled it from the ranks and held it in front of her, surveying. Not too dressy, she tilted her head, not too casual. She wasn’t one hundred percent sure of what they were doing on their first outing. She slipped effortlessly into the dress and stood before her full-length mirror, turning sideways. She pursed her lips, smoothing her hands over the cloth. It fell just at her knees and was accented by a slim bow along her slender waist. Capped sleeves and a neckline accented with a cream colored daisy, Emma finalized her outfit with an ivory sweater. She shook free any scarlet locks that got caught beneath the material.

He’d been a gentleman and she hadn’t expected any less. Emma knew Will. She’d watched him, listened to him, and gotten to know him through all their adventures and discussions at McKinley High. Will told her he would wait for her, show her that he was, indeed, ready. Emma tried not to get her hopes up. She wanted only good things for Will Schuester, but she secretly hoped that he wouldn’t find his happiness back in the arms of Terri.

Emma sat on the edge of her neatly made bed, noted with an abundance of pillows. Her hands wrung together in her lap as she glanced over to the clock beside her bed. Only 5:30? She couldn’t help but laugh at herself, I’m an hour early.

Will called her every third day in the beginning, not wanting to put pressure. They talked about the glee club. Finn still wasn’t talking to Puck or Quinn. He’d only grown closer to Rachel, who he’d come to feel as his only confidant. They talked about the new guidance counselor who had taken over a week after Emma’s departure (an older man, whom the students all felt was trying a little too hard to be everyone’s friend). They talked about Emma’s new job. She’d been offered a job as a counselor just two towns over. It wasn’t the same as McKinley; no one was as nice.

Emma heard her phone buzz from the kitchen, quickly rising from her sitting position on the bed, nearly slipping on her way to retrieve it. She picked up the small device and read the front screen, 1 New Message - Will. She beamed and flipped the mechanism open.

I’m ready early. I couldn’t help myself.

She responded back,

Me too. Come on over.

She placed the phone alongside her purse on the table. She rapped her fingers there for a moment, trying to calm the butterflies that had taken flight in her stomach.

The phone calls from Will got more frequent as time passed and he showed no signs of losing interest. Emma became more confident in his word of sticking around. The day that proved the point even further was when he called, asking her to help him move into his new apartment; he was moving out of the place he once shared with Terri. She readily agreed to help him and once off the phone, she’d smiled, wrapping her arms around her midriff.

Emma continued to stand in the kitchen, gripping at the counter. She had no idea what was to come from this night. They hadn’t even really seen each other, except for her helping him move. It was more her decision that distance should be kept between them. This night was going to be a new venture. Her mind wandered back to the kiss that day in the hallway of the school. She smiled to herself, being able to recount it well and having thought back on it many times.

A soft rap at the door snapped her from her reverie. A quiet gasp escaped her lips as her head spun to look at the door. A quick shiver flickered through her body as she made her way to the door. Looking through the peephole, Emma saw Will standing there. She closed her eyes, inhaled and exhaled, and opened the door.

He stood before her with a white orchid with a fiery pink center. Emma’s right hand clung to the door while her left held onto the doorjamb. She couldn’t help the broad grin that broke out across her face, “Hi.” The hairs at the back of her neck called attention as she took in the sight of him, dressed in a button-up light blue top with khaki pants.

“Hey,” Will said, taking a step closer to her. He took a moment to look her up and down. She always dressed nice and tonight was the same. “This,” he said, holding out the exotic flower, “is for you.”

She smiled and took the orchid from him, “You didn’t have to. It is beautiful though.”

“I remember you used to have one on your desk,” he explained, “I mean, back at McKinley.”

She smiled, dropping her head for a moment, before regaining composure and catching his eye once again, “Yes, I did, but this is beautiful.”

A pause fell between the pair as they held eye contact. After a few seconds, Will cleared his throat, “You ready?”

Emma grinned, “Yes.” She placed the orchid on the side table by the door and grabbed her purse and phone from the kitchen table. Will shifted out of her way, allowing her to lock up her apartment. He held out his hand to show her to the entrance of her apartment building. The anticipation of the night was building and Emma felt like a high schooler all over again. He held the door for her and the spring air kissed at her face. As refreshing as it felt, it was dimmed in comparison to feeling Will’s hand on the small of her back, guiding her towards his car.

will/emma (glee), fic, glee

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