(no subject)

Oct 11, 2005 22:18

asb is going to take over my life.

i'm not against that necessarily..i just wish i didn't have four other classes.

i already double scheduled two educationals for the same day, plus am feeling pretty stretched thin with the whole training/outreach thing. i still need to flyer better in boyden, talk in alllll my classes, call some woman from LSS, figure out if i can get a data projector, put together an educational, and then resehculed with laura, follow up with sara p.

but what would freire say? i suppose he'd talk about hope and bell hooks would talk about passion, so maybe that'll keep me going.

i know i hate to read these entries when people bitch about all the shit they have to do, because i know we all have a lot to do. so sorry guys.

but for now, i'm going to sleep.
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