Fanfiction: Game Over

Jun 12, 2011 15:45

Title: Game Over  (¬_¬)
Pairing: Matsumiya (Jun x Nino)
Length: 1,581 words
Genre: Smut-ish; comedy/humor
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: No matter how much I dream about it, Arashi is not mine.
Summary: Jun is worried about Nino and so Nino does something unexpectedly nice. (Gomen! Bad summary.)
A/N: So~. . . this one is a peice-o-junk. It was supposed to be something entirely different and then it turned out like this. I mean, it's okay until you get past the "dessert" line (hence the reason why it cuts off so abruptly). Who knows what atrocities I'll write next. Anyways, it was still sorta fun to write, especially with that bitchy quality Matsumiya brings to the table. I hope you guys don't mind it. :D

“This is so stupid,” Nino pouted.

“Well if you knew how to take care of yourself I wouldn’t have to do it for you.” Jun ignored Nino’s groan and continued dicing onions, throwing them into a sauté pan after he had finished. While they began to brown, he turned his attention to the pasta sauce he had started earlier which was now simmering nicely. The little kitchen was filled with the aromas of Italy and it made Nino’s stomach churn with longing.

Nino watched silently in subtle fascination as Jun chopped up some basil, tossing it into the sauce before tasting it. He was always amazed at the speed with which Jun could prepare such gourmet meals. Hell, the man could even make straining noodles look like a task only he knew how to do correctly. Perhaps that was why Nino fell for him; that raw-talent and gap in character that made him so damn attractive. Or maybe it was because Jun was the only person who would put up with his antics.

“Give it a minute to cool,” Jun said, bringing over two plates of pasta that looked picture perfect.

“You didn’t need to cook for me, ya know,” Nino said, trying not to drool.

“A simple ‘thank you’ would be good.” Jun frowned at the man before him.

“Oh, right. Manners and all,” Nino said simply.

Jun noted that Nino never actually said the words but dismissed it. “Let’s just eat.”

“Do I have a choice?” Nino was going to fight this all the way.

“Not really,” Jun said, sighing. “Look. Can you at least pretend to enjoy it? Sho and I were worried enough to do all this-despite knowing you’d be stubborn-so just pretend to be happy.”

Nino wasn’t surprised that Jun had gotten fed-up, but he didn’t expect it to happen so quickly. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. It’s just . . . look at you.” Jun moved his hands up and down, identifying Nino’s body as the problem.

“What’s that supposed to me?” Nino was slightly offended.

“You’re so skinny. You know when Sho was last over here, all he found in the kitchen was an almost-empty bag of rice and some mustard.” Jun looked down at his plate. “It’s not good, Nino, and it makes me worried.”

Nino wasn’t sure how to respond. Of course, he had already thought of something snarky to say, but Jun deserved more than that. It was true. He hadn’t been eating properly, always going out for fast-food or not eating at all some nights. But he was just too tired at times with his work piling up. It didn’t help that he stayed up most the night playing video games, but neither Sho or Jun understood how relaxing that was. It was his thing, like fishing to Ohno.

“Okay,” Nino said soothingly, getting Jun’s attention by taking his hand. “I’ll try to balance everything out.”

“I’ll believe it when I see it,” Jun said. “Let’s eat, it’s getting cold.”

Their meal was silent, save for the occasional words of satisfaction. Jun was left brooding over the way Nino never listened to a word anyone ever said, while Nino was deep in thought, trying to figure out a way to get out of this mess; to make Jun happy again.

“This is really good, Jun-kun,” Nino said through his last mouthful of noodles.

“I’m glad. Luckily I had my kitchen to work in, not yours.” Jun said it lightly, but the words still carried a hint of agitation.

Nino only laughed. “What time does your shoot end tomorrow?”

“Around noon. Why?” Jun raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

“You’ll see,” Nino smiled impishly, attempting to put away his plate.

Jun intercepted and took both of them to the kitchen, setting them gently in the sink. “Now I really am worried,” Jun teased. “What are you planning?”

Nino acted as if he never heard the question and started pulling on his shoes and getting into his jacket. All the while Jun eyed him closely, trying to see inside his head.

Failing, Jun sighed. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

“Yep!” Nino called, hurrying his way out of the apartment.

Jun was left slightly confused and completely irritated, in a good way.

* * * * *
It was well-after noon the next day and Jun’s mood took a nose-dive from amusedly bothered to seething anger. Not only had Nino forgotten that he promised to pick Jun up, leaving him stranded at the studio for 2 hours, but Jun had found out by way of Aiba that Nino missed out on breakfast.

“The moment I see him, he’s dead,” Jun muttered, climbing out of the taxi he had to take. “And he’s going to pay me back.”

Stalking up the steps to his apartment, Jun was slowly soothing himself with the promise of a nice half-bath and a book. It didn’t last long. After opening his door he saw a pair of familiar shoes in his genkan.

“Why didn’t you pick me up? I waited for over 2 hours! And why aren’t you answering your phone?” Jun started hammering Nino with questions before he had even turned the corner into his living room.

Jun stopped short. Nino was sitting on the couch, one leg over the other and arms outstretched on the back, waiting for Jun with a cocky smile. This sent suspicious shivers down Jun’s spine and he was about to say something when a duffle bag caught his eye.

“What’s that?” Jun asked cautiously.

“It’s all my games and my consoles.” Nino sounded a little sad.

“Why is it here?” Jun walked over to the chair opposite the couch and sat down.

“Well,” Nino stood up and closed the distance between them. “It’s my way of showing you I can take care of myself. I. . . don't like you worrying about me.”


“I’m just going to leave them here for a bit until my drama is over with. Then I’m taking them back.” Nino eyed Jun sharply. “But if you damage any of them, you’re dead.”

“That’s all very nice, but I don’t have room for them,” Jun said, trying to hide his happiness.

“Oh shut up. I know you’re glad I did this for you,” Nino smirked knowing he was right. “And as a reward, you can cook for me tonight.”

Jun stifled a smile. This was Nino’s way of saying he was sorry, even if it was bratty and immature.

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” Jun headed towards his room.

“Where are you going? What about dinner?” Nino asked.

“Let’s have dessert first.” Jun winked and curled his finger, beckoning Nino to follow him.

“Oh. . .” Nino followed obediently.

It didn’t take long for Jun to get Nino undressed. Actually, he was practically ripping off his own clothes before either of them even touched the bed. At this, Jun simply laughed inwardly, knowing Nino truly had many different sides to him; one of which just-so-happen to be a total pervert. While Nino ran his short fingers across Jun’s bare chest, Jun nipped at the nape of Nino’s neck. It was subtle, but Jun heard Nino gasp lightly, and that was his cue.

“I’ll be Player One,” Jun said into a kiss.

No one knew about it, and if the other members found out it would be the end of them, but Nino and Jun liked to role-play. It didn’t matter what the story was or how it was told during their love-making. They simply improvised while having really passionate sex. There were no rules and it was something both men enjoyed completely, as it lent way for them to let down their guards and just be themselves. Of course, one person was always in the lead and this time Jun wanted to give back to Nino for sacrificing his games, though he was still upset.

“What does that make me?” Nino asked in a whisper while nibbling Jun’s ear.

“The person I’m controlling,” Jun smiled devilishly.

Without explanation, Jun sat up and unzipped his pants, kicking them off and letting them fall to the floor. Then he looked at Nino expectantly. Nino responded with a dirty look, knowing that he had painted himself into a corner by leaving Jun at the studio.

“Dammit, you can’t still be mad,” Nino cursed.

“I didn’t tell you to say anything,” Jun said, implying he wasn’t going to stop role-playing.

Nino didn't do oral, but he gave in. Jun was in his stubborn, pay-back’s-a-bitch mood and Nino didn’t feel like fighting it. Even if he really wanted to, it was hard to argue when you had a naked Jun sprawled out in front of you. So Nino moved positions and kneeled in between Jun’s knees, taking in the view, before brushing his lips against Jun’s tip.

“That’s how the game is played.” Jun nestled into the bed getting comfy.

Nino muttered something incomprehensible as he licked a little more of Jun’s appendage, his hands at work on his inner thighs. If he had to do this, Nino was sure as hell going to take his time. Jun lifted his head back and closed his eyes, taking in every movement and touch. It wasn’t long before he started feeling the urge to moan, and he didn’t keep quiet. It felt so good and Jun was nearly reaching his climax when suddenly Nino stopped sucking and released his member with a little pop.

Jun looked down at Nino quizzically, but said nothing.

“Game over,” Nino simpered and pulled on his shirt.

fic: oneshot, p: matsumoto x ninomiya

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