(no subject)

Jan 16, 2006 20:23

List your interests in order of ABC and pass it on.

[A] Abominable snowman...he's not THAT scary, he would be great as a coat :P (sorry fur lovers)
[B] Blueberries...the secret is that they are blue!
[C] Cashews...Hey! one can't help if one is addicted...
[D] Daquari's...perfect before a hot night of saucyness and ravishment.
[E] Elephants...who wouldv'e thought? Someone so small likes things that are so big...
[F] Food...yup, im a fan. I eat like a horse and I LOVE IT!
[G] Gastronemius'...its a funny word and it interests me...whats your excuse...punk?!
[H] H2O...good for ya and fills up the sack around your brain and stops you getting headaches.
[I] Ice...You can eat it, you can play with it without being rude..and you can melt it and escape out of places...
[J] Jesters! I work there, get paid to eat pies and meet randoms who are either gay, want goon from a glass, or are emo's.
[K] Kat on Krack...its not spelt right, but what it means isnt right either...
[L] Love...in all forms, its one of lifes best and worst componants
[M] Music...its there when you need it, it can go away when you dont want it, and it doesnt hate you cause your black.
[N] Nuts...the edible kind, not the one that hangs down when its hot and squishes up when its cold...ugh.
[O] Octipi...reminds of Ursula from The Little Mermaid...and that show is cool.
[P] PENIS! heh heh heh...had to be said somewhere in this thing.
[Q] Queenie...the beaver from Narnia she is SO adorable...i want her as my pet.
[R] Runcible Spoons...who doesn't?
[S] Sauce. Use it anywhere, at any occasion.
[T] Tricycles...Yeah. Bombtastic.
[U] Ugly pieces of toast...has anyone found any? I THINK NOT!
[V] Vertically challanged people...you just want to run behind them shouting "piggie! piggie!"
[W] Waxing...you look and feel sexy afterwards...'nuff said.
[X] Xylophonic...there is a national debate as to whether this word is an actual word...it deserves a mention for hanging in there.
[Y] Yellow. Its a happy colour, that doesnt make you look fat...ever.
[Z] Zoltan..because he wears bubble-wrap suits and i want one. Now.

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