Apr 27, 2008 03:10
I am who I am...it took me a long time to figure that out. I have the power to change myself to a degree if I choose to do so...but the key here is the I. I will not ask others to change for me...it is there choice to make changes and should they make that choice, they should do so for themselves, not me. I do my best to accept people for who they are...if I find myself uncomfortable with who they are or choices they make, I do not ask them to change...I can change by deciding who I choose to spend my time with. All that said, here is my rant for the night...
I am allowed to change. Over a two year period one would expect change. I can say NO. I can change how I look at life and my values. I am the person you see standing before you...not the person you remember from two years ago...not the person from your fantasy ideal life. I am a mover, I enjoy change and adventure...I am a "free-spirit" and if you can't see that, don't accept that part of me...then you're not even interested in me, but the idea of me.
It took some time, but I learned to accept you for who you are...I have stopped trying to change you...you are my friend and I love you. I know that nothing will grow beyond friendship because I know I do not wish to be involved with someone who lives your lifestyle. I'm okay with that, because I've accepted you for who you are and if you changed all those things that give me reason not to get involved, you wouldn't be the same person anyway. Why can't you accept me for the person I am? If you truly saw me, you would see how miserable I would be if I tried to fit into your mold. Let me be me...love me for my whimsical craziness, my spontaneity, my love for life(of course there's all the bad too that I didn't life)...accept that I don't know where I'll end up, that no matter where I am we are still friends. I guess I am trying to change you, by changing your view of me...by asking you to accept me for the person that I am. I guess really all I can say is this is me and from there, its your choice...