(no subject)

Dec 08, 2004 21:34

K well here it goes...
im sick of your bitch ass yours and yours :) I hate gurls tha lie and run their mouth....and yah dont assume im talking about you cuz please you have no idea i have so many gurls on my shit list right now....and yah if you think your on it your probably right! :) but you'll never kno cuz who says im obligated to tell you! Dont act like you know me you dont..dont call me a slutt when you dont hang outt w/ me and we never will...its funny how the virgins get call sluts but the ones that really are..dont get shit for it.

If everyone had the balls too tell the ppl that they talk shit about to their face.....then we wouldnt have this BS drama n rumors starting! Im sick of rumors goin around...from now on if i dont like you....you will know and thats the end of it im not gonna sit there n talk shit like you ppl think i do or "go n run my mouth"

I said this in my last entry and i will say it again JeaLousY is a sIn bitches and you should really grow up...things change...ppl change and im sorry but you jus have to live w/ things like that dont make ppl feel like shit becuz they hangg out w/ a different group of ppl! get ovvvvvver it!! And another thing...its so much easier to jus come outt n tell the truth then lie about things cuz it jus gets shit so much more confusing and rumors start to go around n all that bullsssshhhitt

So Basically....all u pp tha talk shit/lie/start rumors and like too put other ppl down.....GROW UPP bcuz in reality ppl PROBABLY are sick of it.sick of you or really never did like you so peeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaceeeeee

1 love too all my gurls :*
leaaaaavee all the commennts you want
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