*falls over dead*

Nov 01, 2002 07:32

*auto-life* YAY!! Anyways, Halloween was yesterday as everyone knows... but I didn't even do anything so it doesn't feel like it @_@!! I had to go to class so I couldn't go trick or treating ;.; but afterwards I went to Jacki's house to get some fishing wire for my Fabra jewelry and they had STUFFING! So naturally I had to stay and EAT IT ALL!!!!!

Anyways, my mom got me my birthday present on Wednesday (a week and a few days early) cause I asked her to. She got me the second season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on DVD so I watch that while making costumes now. Yay for Buffy-ness!! Need to buy the third season later... after convention.

tv series: buffy the vampire slayer

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