Yet Another Passions Rant

Jul 11, 2000 23:52

Well. . . Ethan WANTED to be a total moron in response to Theresa's love confession. In fact, it looked like he was trying really really hard to be! I mean, what was with the whole, "oh you only love me as a friend" and then the "its just teenage infatuation" thing?! . . . ok, so maybe I could see why he would think that, but still. . . it's irritating. And then annoying [adjective removed as it was unfair to the actress] Gwen had to show up and nearly die. I wish she would have though. Big Wave comes and blows her over board and she falls screaming into the water while both Ethan and Theresa just watch. I would start cracking up!

Okay, and the way they are playing this out somewhat gets on my nerves. Now that Theresa's confessed and Ethan realizes (or I think he does) that Theresa really loves him (she proved it, I think, by risking her life for him) Theresa has turned into a lovesick fool! Okay, so she always was, but now it's worse! *sighs* oh well, today, er yesterday (just hit midnight) she asked for Ethan to kiss her. It looks like they're all gonna DIE! and she wants her last memories to be of him kissing her blah blah *insert mush here* Okay, I know I'm a so hopeless it borders on and may cross over into being pathetic romantic but I just can't stomach that when I just wake up.

Oh, about the whole ship going down, well Charity (who hasn't crossed over to the "dark side" yet, and I don't think will) cast the spell and yadda yadda. Storm, ship go down, they're all gonna DIE. I just like saying that. This is reminding me eerily of Sunset Beach, the whole ship capsized thing. They're both rather different, but they still remind me of each other. And what really ticks me off about the whole "dark side" thing is everything is so repetitive! How many times is Charity gonna say "Yes. Yes. Kill them. Kill them all"?! Okay, once was okay, twice getting a little redundant, third time I'm gonna whack Charity in the head with an ice pick!

Yet another thing that bugs me is Miguel was hit by lightning and LIVED?! Ok, lived is an understatement, he's TOTALLY FINE! . . .well he is totally fine in a hot way, but I mean, when your hit by lightning, technically you should be a little, I dunno, toasted? Like in Looney Tunes or something! At least Charity is choking him now. He's probably gonna survive (I hope so, though he's a moron mentally *cough*ShouldbewithKay*cough* he's really nice to look at) and be happy with non-possessed Charity who is gonna snap out of her trance because of her love for him *gag* Why can't Miguel and Kay just hook up?! Can't they just KILL Charity off and have her evil twin show up or something?! They do it all the time in soap operas.

One of the things about Passions I like totally without fault HAS to be Tabitha and Timmy! They are so great and FUNNY! Today when Tabitha thought that Timmy drown and she had this montage of all the great moments they had together with "My Heart Will Go On" in the background, I started CRACKING UP! And Timmy and his "dolphin" friend that turned out to be a shark was GREAT!

Well this has been my longest post. . . EVER! Better shut up now.

soap opera: passions

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