Okay, so there's two discs left in That '70s Show, and soon Sam is going to leave, so I can't wait for that. The discs come tomorrow, then I can MOVE ON WITH MY LIFE. At least something good has come from this: It makes me want to start making music videos again, and I have a few ideas that will help me work out my issues with this darn show, so I'm looking forward to that.
[-] Substitute Teaching
Urg. Had a horrible day today. I'm usually really lenient and laid-back when it comes to substitute teaching. I make sure they work, but I let them talk and use their electronics and again, I'm pretty lenient, as long as they work. But today was a test day, so I didn't have the luxury to let them slack off (which is easier on me as well). Not to mention, this eighth period class is the CLASS FROM HELL. I had them my first day, and they had me in tears on my long drive home. Three months later, I didn't break down, but man, they probably gave me some gray hair. I had to send two people down to the office, and that helped for a bit, but then towards the end of class, since it's going to be a long weekend, they got rambunctious. Luckily, a security guard passed by and came in and got everything in order, because I had just given up by then (it was three minutes before the end of class, and they started up about five minutes before the end). Ha, I thought on my first day that I didn't know what I was doing and that's why it went so bad (well, I didn't know what I was doing but that wasn't the only reason). I guess this class is just POSSESSED BY SATAN. I mean, I'm not perfect, but I've gotten a lot better, and it still went down the crapper. THANK GOD I'm off until next Tuesday, at least. I, sometimes, forget that this school has a reputation for being difficult. Today, I was reminded just how much.
I just have to keep reminding myself that I like it at this school because, though the students are so difficult, they're good kids. The teachers there really like me, and I went from the bottom of the list in the district(because I was new) to the top of the list (because I'm freaking awesome), which is nice because it makes me feel like I'm doing something right. And two students today were very supportive during the horrible eighth period class, which really surprised me and made me feel better. Again, just glad it's a long weekend.
[+] Mass Effect 2
I think I'm going to go and finish my second ME2 game. I was going to wait for a while before I went back and replayed, but I need something to cheer me up, so maybe I'll work on that for a while. I started it right after I finished my first imported character, this time starting from scratch because I didn't want to have to cheat on Kaiden to get another romantic interest (Jacob Taylor, I'm looking at YOU!). I have another importable character who I need to play through as well, but again, I made a new one because of the love interest thing, and because of a few other things. Another being that I always saved the council (I just couldn't find it in me NOT to), and the default is something different. Also, because I wanted to see what some of the other default things were. I mean, though I may have tried, I just could never ever do the renegade thing. I always saved the rachni, I always saved the colony on Feros. I mean, I'd go in thinking "I FREAKING HATE SPIDERS! YOU DIE!!" but then, I'd still save it. I'm glad now, finding out that the rachni were never really evil, they were just being controlled, so it means that they won't go crazy evil again and that won't come to bite me in the butt. But still...
One thing sucks, though. Wrex being dead is obviously a default. So, no Wrex ;_;. I mean, I guess that's good, because I'd never kill him, so now I can see a game where he's dead. But, in Bioware games, my first stats to go up are always charm/persuade/FORCE PERSUADE (these aren't the droids you're looking for), because I like being able to MAKE ANYONE DO ANYTHING I want, so I was always able to talk Wrex down.
Okay, so for my first play through of ME2, even though it was REALLY hard, I was faithful to Kaiden (who nearly made me cry when he was an ass when you meet him again). I, in my need to have everybody ever like me, got the loyalty of my entire crew and ALL OF MY RECRUITABLE CHARACTERS SURVIVED (SO HAPPY!!) though half of the crew of the Normandy II died because I didn't go right to save them after wards (I wanted to make sure I had everything I needed to NOT die), so I guess that kind of sucks. OKAY, NO IT DOESN'T BECAUSE I HATED KELLY! She was just too "I love everybody!!" and too happy and too nice. WAY TO DIE, KELLY!! ... Huh. And, why can't I find it in me to do renegade actions again? Well, I guess if I knew for sure that this would happen, I would have went right away to save her (and the others). So, I guess, I'll just have to savor that save where it happened. My Kelly-free save <3.
Joker, of course, was the awesome. I loved the part of the game when you had to play as him, it was just too amusing for me. He and Kaiden better be in the third game a lot, or I will be very, very, very upset. I'm looking at you, Bioware. I WANT MY FREAKING HAPPY END (with Kaiden) and MY FREAKING AWESOME PILOT!! He's my best bud, man.
The end of the game was the most tense I have EVER been at the end of a game. Basically because I didn't know when it would happen that if you died, that would be the end of it (aka NEVER BE ABLE TO USE THAT SAVE AGAIN). I, also, didn't know how set in stone it would be if one of your squad died. I mean, would you be able to go back to another save and choose differently? Or would you just be stuck with that character being dead? I didn't want anyone to die. Well, except for freaking Zaeed. HE COULD HAVE DIED AND I WOULDN'T HAVE CARED. Jackass. (Though his accent was awesome.) But all the others were friends, which is just odd because they're just computer characters. I guess that's just what's great about Bioware games. You really care about what happens. I mean, Tali and Garrus are old pals who have been through horrible, horrible drives in the Mako with me (my philosophy in the Mako was that the fastest way to get somewhere was a STRAIGHT LINE, even if you had to drive practically vertical), so I was very careful with them. I mean, I even liked Jack, though she was a crazy ... you know what.
What was really cool, though, was going around after the end, and talking with all the characters about how you all saved the day. And the fact that you can finish things you haven't done yet, because there were a bunch of side quests I know I skipped over to finish the game and will want to go back to do.
And, okay, this post was longer than I wanted, so I'm just going to stop now.