Stuff and Things.

Feb 02, 2010 13:50

[+/-] That '70s Show
Okay, so, I've been watching That '70s Show lately. It's something that's surprised even me. Over Christmas, we were spending time as a family, and my brother had control of the television (like always) and there it was. And I was struck with what an interesting dynamic there was between Jackie and Hyde (it was a season seven episode when they were together). For years, every episode I've been subjected to of the series has had them together, and every time I watch it I think, no. I will not get into this series. I will not! No matter how interesting this pair is. But over Christmas, I finally caved and watched some clips with them on youtube, and I was hooked. Even knowing the outcome, even knowing how much it was going to piss me off when season eight came around, even knowing that this is a show that I shouldn't be enjoying, I started to watch. And I am hooked. And addicted. And not just because of Hyde and Jackie, but because I like the show. It's funny. And now I'm on season seven, and I just don't know what to do. Season seven will be both good and bad, I know this, but season eight is just around the corner, and I don't want to go. I have to, because I can't not finish a series that I like, even if the last season is an abomination. But how does one prepare for the end of times? By praying, a lot, and hoping it gets over quickly.

[-] BLEACH and Other Manga Ramblings
So, I keep trying to read Bleach, but it's just not interesting me anymore, which kind of makes me unhappy. I still check in every once and a while to see if it's dealing with characters I actually care about (Ichigo, Orihime, Renji, Rukia, Chad, or Ishida), but more often than not, it isn't, which just kind of makes me unhappy. There are just too many characters, and too much going on that I just don't care about. I was talking to a student last Friday (she was reading BLEACH in the library towards the end of class, so I went and talked with her), and she said this arc is almost over, then there is going to be a short arc, then another big arc, and that just made me sad on the inside. By the time it's over, I won't even care anymore!! I need another series to really like. I got into Fairy Tale for a bit, but nothing's really grabbing my attention. I also read Fushigi Yuugi again (the first 13 volumes at least) and was amazed at how insipid the story was at points, and how terribly sappy the whole Tamahome and Miaka thing was. I mean, I still like it, but that's probably just because of the nostalgia factor it has going for it. If I read it for the first time now, I don't think I'd like it, which is kind of depressing. DARN YOU BACHELORS IN ENGLISH FOR RAISING MY STANDARDS! What am I going to do now?

[+/-] Other Things
In other news, I got sick, got better, got Mass Effect 2, beat Mass Effect 2, and then started playing again, only to get disinterested and resort to trying to get into manga again. I've also been somewhat more social as of late, which is just odd. I suppose that's a good thing. I've also been writing, and reading books on writing to help me write better, which really has been helping me to organize ideas. If anything, it's fun and productive, and I enjoy it. I'm also doing a bunch of research for a project, which is both interesting and incredibly boring at the same time. But other than that, nothing else new with me. Oh, and I love the song "Me" from Beauty and the Beast, the Broadway Musical. It is full of awesome.

How are you?

developer: bioware, tv series: that 70's show, video game: mass effect, manga: fushigi yuugi, manga: bleach

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