Random Post of Randomness

Dec 08, 2009 17:19

[+] Work Work Work
Okay, so, I've been getting a lot more work lately, which is good because I need the money. Like, really bad. Today, I worked in a different school district than usual (we'll call it IMS), and talk about a difference! Now, I love the kids where I normally work (we'll call it RMS), they're good kids, just high-strung, but the kids at IMS were amazing! @_@ I never realized just how difficult it was RMS, until now when I've got some perspective (teachers told me it was a difficult school, I realized it was difficult, just not how much!). And apparently, today was a "bad" day for the kids at IMS. Really? Bad? THEY WERE FREAKING ANGELS!! Here's hoping I get a lot more work at IMS because it was a nice break from all the headaches I get from RMS. I mean, I still will work at RMS no matter what, because the kids there know me, and I really do like them, even if they are a handful most of the time. But it's nice coming home and not feeling like I want to pass out. So, more work at IMS, please? Yes?

[+] Dragon Age: Origins
So I finished my first play through, and am waiting to start again, this time as an elf. I was a human noble first, and could not, for the life of me, get over the fact that you were taller than Zevran. ;_; I mean, in the end, it was good for the human ending I wanted, but... being a tall girl, I don't like it when men are shorter than me. But other than that, it was amazing. There were a bunch of difficult decisions to be made, which all had repercussions, and... yeah, it was awesome. I started playing again as a Dalish Elf right away, but got a little bored, and so decided to wait until I had at least a month between play throughs to try again. I don't want it to be any bit boring, I want to enjoy it thoroughly every time I play. That's not a problem, though, because I'm finishing some of my unfinished play throughs on Mass Effect (one male and one female) so that I have them for when ME2 comes out. I have one female finished, one almost completely finished, and then the two I'm working on now that are exactly at the same place, right after you first go through the Citadel. I LOVE YOU BIOWARE! MAKE MORE OF THE GOOD GAMES SO MY HEART CAN BE HAPPY... ER!! HAPPIER!!!

So, yesterday, I started listening to my Rent soundtracks on the way home from RMS (SUPER FAR AWAY!! Another reason IMS rocks, IT'S SO MUCH CLOSER), and I forgot how much I love Rent. I was crying while I was driving, because I'm a dork that way, and the songs have a habit of being able to make me cry. Last January, Rebecca and I went to go see it when it came into town, with Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal, and it was just amazing. Kind of makes up for not being able to see it on Broadway before it was retired... or whatever they say when a show isn't on Broadway anymore. Someday I will go to New York and see a play on Broadway... LITTLE MERMAID, I'M LOOKING AT YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!

And that's it. I'm done. For now.

developer: bioware, musical: rent, me: life update, video game: dragon age: origins

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