(no subject)

Apr 03, 2008 02:37

GUESS WHO GOT IN A CAR ACCIDENT?! .... GUESS!! ... no you're wrong. IT WAS ME!

Some guy rear-ended me while I was stopped at a street light. It was great. Except it wasn't at all. But I felt bad for him because he had two kids in his back seat and seemed really sorry and upset. And no one was hurt, thank God, except for our cars. His more than mine because my car is a TANK!

I really should be in bed, but I can't sleep. Maybe I should take a vicadin, they prescribed it for me but I'll wait and see how much pain I'm in tomorrow (which will be a lot, everyone has been telling me). My car looks okay, but it's making horrible noises so I'm going to be taking it to the shop tomorrow or whenever and we all know how much fun that is going to be (if you guessed none... YOU'RE RIGHT!). But at least our insurance won't have to pay for it.

I went to the hospital last night as well, but everything is in order except for my muscle which is strained because of the whipping around that happened when I was hit. It could have been so much worse, so I am contentified with the pain I am dealt. Yes. And at least I finally sat still enough to watch the first disc of Bloodhound. It's so horribly awesome, I love it. I may watch it again tomorrow, it makes me laugh. Hurry up netflix and send me the next two discs! Anyways... I'll try to sleep again. Yay for not dying!

car: ford focus, jdrama: vampire host/bloodhound

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